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10 Component Tips in Figma
Tips and best practices for components in Figma

Recommended: Follow Along in Figma

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1. Component Shortcuts

The more you become familiar with the shortcuts for components, the quicker they’ll quickly become second nature.
Try these component shortcuts to speed up your workflow:
- OPTION + CMD + K = Create component
- OPTION + CMD + B = Detach instance
- OPTION + CMD+ O = Team library
- OPTION + 2 = Show asset panel (option + 1 returns you to the layers panel)
- ALT + CTRL + K = Create component
- ALT + CTRL + B = Detach instance
- ALT + CTRL + O = Team library
- ALT + 2 = Show asset panel (option + 1 returns you to the layers panel)
2. Swap Components

After opening the asset panel (using option/alt + 2 or shift + I), you can drag component instances onto the canvas. If you have a component in place already, try using these shortcuts while dragging a component to replace an existing one.
- Hold OPTION / ALT to replace a component
- Hold OPTION / ALT + CMD / CTRL to replace a nested component
3. Naming Components