3 ways to improve your writing through user testing
Learning the language of your users is essential for a product writer. Here are some practical ways to integrate this research into your work.

User testing has always been one of the best ways to evaluate the effectiveness of a design. And so much of communicating a design is language.
Here are a few ways I take user research and specifically apply it to product writing.
1. Study how users interpret your writing flow.
Using a remote user testing platform (something like usertesting.com or usabilityhub.com) is an increasingly common way for companies to conduct testing. They are a fantastic resource for writers. Asking users to read tasks out loud and share their thoughts as they go is standard. When possible, I try to extend that to reading the actual content on the page.
Many people will do this organically, but I have also found it helpful to simply include it as a request.
Listen carefully to how people read your writing.
- Note the cadence and rhythm of a users voice. Is it natural?
- Do they stumble with your phrasing?At any point, do they repeat a word or phrase?
- Do they question anything?
I’m in the habit of ruthlessly editing possessive pronouns and superlatives. It’s a byproduct of working on native apps with incredibly limited character counts. I recently worked on a desktop task flow and as I was going through the testing videos I noticed people were questioning the (recently removed) pronoun.
“Who’s email? My email?”
That’s all I need to hear. It’s not always that easy to see these things when you’re close to a product.
2. Listen to your users. Then listen again.
We’re always looking for user feedback. But are we really listening? When possible, I also try to include this at the end of usability testing:
- In-your-own-words synopsis: Ask people to summarize the task that they have just completed. Listen to the words they use to describe those actions. Do they use the same language that you did? There is an immediate bias to do this since they have just completed a task. If there is a difference, make a note of it. Is something you’ve said not resonating?
Listen to the words people use carefully. Is there a difference between the words they use, and the words that you do. Do those words appear anywhere else in the interface? A seamless interface mirrors the vocabulary of your user.

This is particularly helpful in the long term when you start to test multiple task flows for the same brand or product. Look for patterns and categorize things accordingly.
3. Use it like an A/B test.
While we’re on the subject of remote testing, I find it hugely helpful when it comes to determining which version of something might work better.
Writing is part art, part science. Sometimes there are numerous ways to approach something, and you’re just not sure which might work best. Putting that content in front of actual people can be a very simple way to get a temperature check before development work starts.
Designers frequently use this kind of a preference test for visual design treatment. I’ve adapted this for writing many times, using it for things like:
- Which benefit should lead?
- Does this make more sense as a couple of bullet points or some short sentences?
- Does a label or header give the right expectation about the content that follows?
- Is the tone coming off the right way?
Once you start looking at user testing through a writer’s lens you’ll start finding your own ways to apply it in your work. Exposure is key, so don’t be afraid to ask. The more you do something, the better you’ll get.
Happy testing!