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The 6 UX trends for your company in 2019
In the last couple of years you’ve probably had more and more contact with designers. Perhaps your organization has hired a good number of the creative types or your agency is around more. They’ll tell you of the importance of designs systems, user research and the next gen look & feel but they find it difficult to come up with the compelling arguments to persuade the organization. This article will help you to get the most out of your designers by learning about some of the things which are important for the UX field in 2019. It will also allow you to challenge them a bit on their turf and hopefully this will result in a better coöperation between design & business.
Trend 1: Conversational is better
You’re probably not ready with your machine-learning chatbot A.I. and to tell you the truth: nobody is. The buzz on conversational UI is heavily linked to world-changing technologies but take my advice: fake it.
Here’s what I mean: Lemonade has made a form-page feel like a conversation you would have with a real person.

That’s mighty refreshing when looking at the alternative we are so used to seeing: