Challenges of organisational changeChange is difficult for both individual and organisation.Oct 7, 2020Oct 7, 2020
4 factors of userOver the past few years, I’ve been conducting user research to understand users. Although each project targeted at different groups of…Mar 11, 2020Mar 11, 2020
Users are not the centre of designUsers are not the centre of design. It might make you feel like going back to 90s when there’s no such a thing called user experience. You…Sep 19, 2019Sep 19, 2019
Published inUX CollectiveCreating certainty and embracing uncertaintyCertainty and uncertainty are both important and we need to be able to balance them well — Certainty is the foundation of trust, you need…Dec 20, 2018Dec 20, 2018
Dropbox Paper for bloggingI love Dropbox Paper. It’s such an excellent tool for writing and collaboration.Oct 8, 2018Oct 8, 2018
简单 — 产品设计核心原则 • 上最近不小心看到一个微博,怀念十多年前各式各样的手机。相比于现如今 iPhone 的一统江湖,当年手机届那可谓百花齐放:直板、翻盖、滑盖,不仅外观千变万化,颜色也是五彩缤纷。虽然评论区的网民都在抱怨苹果只会涨价而创新乏力,但没有人会质疑苹果仍是手机界一哥的地位。Oct 2, 2018Oct 2, 2018
设计改版-从数据洞察开始当客户想要改版一个已经上线一段时间的产品时,除了有些新的业务需求,很多时候会告诉我们的是这个网站太过时了,希望能让他看起来“现代”一点。而用户怎么使用这个产品,碰到了哪些问题,能不能很好地支持现有业务,这些关键信息却没有得到足够的重视。如果抛开对这些问题的处理,仅仅是让界面看起来…Aug 27, 2018Aug 27, 2018
90S0EWelcome to my little corner of the world. As it is the first post, I’d like to introduce a little about this blog.Aug 26, 2018Aug 26, 2018