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Published inUX CollectiveAre brands losing the UX battle to the intermediaries?Recent experiences with purchases and deliveries have raised some territorial issues between product brands and their delivery partners.Aug 12, 20214552Aug 12, 20214552
Published inDataSeriesWho serves Whom?Will we be able to withstand our inevitable tech-dependence?May 26, 20203701May 26, 20203701
Published inUX CollectiveWho will clap for the parents?Has the ‘School-at-home’ initiative been a complete success?May 5, 2020544May 5, 2020544
व्यर्थ न हो बलिदान.आज मानवजात कोरोना व्हायरस नावाच्या अदृश्य संकटाचा सामना करत आहे. आणि अशा प्रसंगी ‘चॅलेंज टेस्ट’ नावाच्या प्राणघातक प्रयोगांची चर्चा सध्या…Apr 4, 2020406Apr 4, 2020406
How I (grudgingly) discovered the power of the Gestalt Principles of Design at Hamley’s.Hamley’s! Where all roads lead to, come the season of goodwill!Dec 31, 20195951Dec 31, 20195951
Please Enter.Analysing the UX of the ‘doors’ at a modern co-working space.Dec 11, 2019410Dec 11, 2019410
तंत्रज्ञानाची घोडदौड२६ जुलै २०१९, लोकसत्ता विव्हा पुरवणीत प्रसिद्ध झालेला, विज्ञान आणि तंत्रज्ञान क्षेत्राचा गेल्या दशकातील प्रवासाचा आढावा घेणारा लेख.Jul 26, 2019465Jul 26, 2019465