From signal flow to user flow — why a good studio engineer is also a UX designerWork hard, then enjoyJan 24, 2020Jan 24, 2020
Florida Woman Decides to Eat Overly Ripe Banana Instead of Making Small Talk with the New Guy at…Local UX Designer, Christina Adames, was finishing her lunch and still feeling hungry for a light snack. The only thing readily available…Jan 6, 2020Jan 6, 2020
Published inUX Collective7 ways to accelerate your UX design career journeyOnce upon a time, I was a content marketer. A longer time ago than that I was a recording engineer. Later on, I became a UX content…Oct 21, 20191Oct 21, 20191
UX Writing Challenge: Wrong Email Address EnteredThese challenges are interesting being that I don’t have user personas, technical constraints or design constraints.Mar 25, 2019Mar 25, 2019
UX Writing Challenge: Supermarket App PromoHeadline: Hi, Jennifer! Love coffee? Check it out…Mar 20, 2019Mar 20, 2019
Empathy at the Starbucks Pick-Up CounterMy Mini-Project in Observation for Springboard’s UX Career TrackJan 8, 2019Jan 8, 2019
“While I’m extremely aware, and even insistent, that a piece of design can never be judged by…— Stefan Sagmeister, 22, 2016Sep 22, 2016
7 Qualities of an Effective AdvertiserMillions of expensive ads get ignored everyday.Apr 27, 2016Apr 27, 2016
Wait, But Why is Wait But Why So Stinking Good?Look at this copywriting genius. That is all.Mar 25, 2016Mar 25, 2016
The Worst Advice I’ve Ever Heard About Marriage“If he makes you happy, that’s all that matters.”Mar 19, 2016Mar 19, 2016
3 Characteristics that Thriving Teams HaveHumans. The workplace is filled with them! The ingredients to healthy human relationships are definitely important with people you’ll be…Mar 3, 2016Mar 3, 2016
Starting with Why is a Narrow PathWhen I evaluate the messaging of companies across the internet, I still see that most don’t start with their “why.”Feb 25, 2016Feb 25, 2016
How to Sell a Cardboard BoxI recently purchased an Oristand —a “truly affordable stand up desk.” It’s made out of cardboard and can be seen as impressive or as a…Feb 24, 2016Feb 24, 2016
Usability Tips for Content StrategistsHere are some articles published in 2015 from Nielsen Norman Group that you might find helpful as a Content Strategist:Jan 14, 2016Jan 14, 2016
Why Designers Need DataData isn’t just for marketers, and it isn’t just for keeping stakeholders happy. Using data, and using it well or in the right way (not…Dec 10, 2015Dec 10, 2015
On Content Strategy & UX DesignA short list of what I’m currently consuming around content strategy & UX design:Dec 9, 2015Dec 9, 2015