Published inBeyond InteractionDo You Talk to Objects? The Psychology Behind This Common HabitExploring Everyday Rituals and Their Impact on Technology DesignMar 16Mar 16
Published inUX CollectiveCulture, cognition, and human-computer interactionUnderstanding the impact of culture on technology design and useJan 13, 20232Jan 13, 20232
Published inUX CollectiveMeasuring user experience for human-robot collaborative interfacesMetrics to evaluate collaborative human-robot interfaces and insights from user studiesSep 14, 2022Sep 14, 2022
Published inBootcampDesign ethnography: a brief guideOverview of key concepts and methods, as well as common challenges and opportunities in design ethnography.Sep 6, 2022Sep 6, 2022
Human Computer Interaction (HCI), an Empirical Understanding of UsersOverview of the basics of HCI, its history, and some of the key concepts and techniques that you need to knowSep 1, 2022Sep 1, 2022
The Need To Be UnderstoodWe all have felt the need to be understood, the wish for someone to get us on an intimate level. Without feeling like others know us, we…Jul 19, 2020Jul 19, 2020