PinnedPublished inUX CollectiveThe machine stopsA cautionary tale as a call for design fictionFeb 65Feb 65
PinnedFrom computer graphics to computer artThis text is the second piece of the code, shape and meaning series: a set of articles about computer art and new media.Jul 23, 2024Jul 23, 2024
PinnedOn arts, mathematics and computingThis text is the first piece of the code, shape and meaning series: a set of articles about computational art, creative coding, and new…Jun 27, 2024Jun 27, 2024
Published inUX PlanetDesigning 'experience'A study — and a design framework, on the human-product experiences we design.Jun 18, 2020Jun 18, 2020
Published inUX Collective 🇧🇷Entendendo "experiência"Um olhar minucioso sobre as experiências humano-produto que projetamosApr 13, 2020Apr 13, 2020