Graceful Context-Switching: The Art & Science of Multitasking EfficientlyThis article was originally published on my private newsletter Sunday Wisdom. You can subscribe here.Aug 27, 2020Aug 27, 2020
Margin of Safety: An Antidote to Risk, Uncertainty, and IgnoranceNo matter how smart or confident you (think you) are, it would be foolish to assume that everything is in your control, and nothing would…Aug 13, 2020Aug 13, 2020
Effective Mentorship: Why The Best Leaders Don’t Create FollowersWhat is effective mentorship? How can we use rapport, optimism, character development, and loyalty to propel growth in others?Jul 30, 2020Jul 30, 2020
Fermi Problems: How You Think About A Problem Is More Important Than The SolutionIf a question is asked in a school exam, you know that the answer exists. But that is not the case in this “wicked” world.Jun 25, 2020Jun 25, 2020
Life Is A Death Sentence: You Can Either Get Busy Living Or Get Busy DyingLife is a death sentence. We all die eventually. It can be sooner or later, but die we will. With that information, you can either get…Jun 18, 2020Jun 18, 2020
Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized WorldPeople who try out different things and dabble with new domains are usually labelled as “jack of all trades, master of none.” It cannot be…Jun 4, 2020Jun 4, 2020
Kind v Wicked Domains: Why Sports Champions Aren’t Your Success GurusKnowledge and experience cannot be generalised. Skills from one domain aren’t always transferable to another, i.e., they are domain…May 28, 2020May 28, 2020
Where Do I Begin?Before starting to learn something, you hunt for the best book, the best blog post, the best video, the best tutorial, the best online…May 21, 2020May 21, 2020
Healthy Friction: When You Want Something, All The Universe Conspires Against YouAs a kid, whenever I wanted something for myself, my father used to turn it into a challenge. This was his way of testing my conviction —…May 14, 2020May 14, 2020
Living Deliberately: The Importance of Long Walks, Paintings, and Board GamesGrowing up, I spent most of my time playing with friends, taking long walks, and doing paintings. Unknowingly, I was living deliberately.May 7, 2020May 7, 2020