An Anxious Generation? The Eternal Return of Media Effects on Children.Spanish versionMay 15, 2024May 15, 2024
ChatGPT: From the Turing Test to the Baricco Test.ChatGPT and other AI-based text generation systems have achieved the unthinkable: Wikipedia is now considered a reliable source of…Jun 18, 2023Jun 18, 2023
“Argentina 1985”. Between the media and the mediatizations.Spanish version in Hipermediaciones.comMar 10, 2023Mar 10, 2023
Evolution is a network.To say that ‘evolution is a network’ is like saying that it is not a line or a branching tree. Evolution understood as a rhizomatic plot…Feb 19, 2023Feb 19, 2023
Byung-Chul Han’s last tango.After 8 years I am writing about Byung-Chul Han again. In December 2014 I reviewed his main books in a double post in Spanish that began…Feb 13, 20231Feb 13, 20231
Goodbye liquid society. Welcome gaseous society.In the last pages of my book Cultura Snack (La Marca, 2020) I introduced a hypothesis: the liquid metaphor, which was so successful since…Aug 30, 2021Aug 30, 2021
Media Evolution: more than a book…My friends know that I am becoming less and less comfortable in traditional scientific writing. More than ‘uncomfortable’, I feel…Sep 9, 2020Sep 9, 2020
New interfaces of a post-pandemic worldMost of the interfaces in which we participate are showing their obsolescence and inability to adapt to the brutal transformation caused…Aug 25, 2020Aug 25, 2020
Coronaviruses, Epidemics and InterfacesSpanish version: Coronavirus, epidemias e interfacesApr 26, 2020Apr 26, 2020
In search of the lost narrative.Metaphors, social discourses and narratives in times of pandemic.Apr 23, 2020Apr 23, 2020
Published inUX CollectiveTenth Law. The interface is the place of innovationWhat is a designer? How many professional profiles exist within the world of design? Let’s check Wikipedia: clothing and textile designer…Mar 20, 2020Mar 20, 2020
Published inUX CollectiveNinth Law of the Interface: interfaces are politicalThe interface is the battlefield of a conflict where the strategy of the designer and the tactics of the users face each other. The…Feb 5, 2020Feb 5, 2020
Published inUX CollectiveEighth Law of the Interface: Interfaces are subject to the laws of complexityHow can the evolution of interfaces be represented without falling into the simplicities of a sequential model?Jan 26, 2020Jan 26, 2020
Published inUX CollectiveSeventh law of the interface: if an interface can’t do it, it will simulate itIf interfaces do form part of an ecosystem and ‘think each other’ (Third Law), they also ‘see each other’ and, in some cases, they may…Dec 20, 2019Dec 20, 2019
Published inUX CollectiveSixth law of the interface: interfaces don’t disappear, they transformLike biological ones, technological species and their interfaces evolve (Fourth Law). In less than a century the aircraft evolved from the…Nov 20, 2019Nov 20, 2019
Published inUX CollectiveFifth Law of the Interface: Interfaces coevolve with their users/Coevolution/ is a phenomenon of mutual evolutionary adaptation between two or more biological species based on their reciprocal…Oct 27, 2019Oct 27, 2019
Published inUX CollectiveFourth Law of the Interface: Interfaces evolveCharles Darwin never employed the concepts of /evolution/ or /ecosystem/ in his most important and revolutionary text: On the Origin of…Oct 16, 2019Oct 16, 2019
Published inUX CollectiveThird Law of the Interface: Interfaces form an ecosystemInterfaces form an ecosystemSep 29, 2019Sep 29, 2019
Published inUX CollectiveSecond Law of the Interface: Interfaces are not transparentInterfaces are something more than just a tool or an instrument designed to accomplish a task. Interfaces are interaction environments…Sep 20, 2019Sep 20, 2019