PinnedPublished inUX CollectiveMaps for females: do women perceive geography differently?Should we try designing maps differently? Men & Women, brains wired differently.Dec 3, 2018174Dec 3, 2018174
Food Servings — on how hungry?A designer questions the systems we are a part of— Episode 1/12Dec 26, 20208Dec 26, 20208
Published inDesign Play StoreBulby for kidsA game of ideas with light and shadow || Design ThinkingMay 15, 2020193May 15, 2020193
You will feel empowered.Contribute to OpenIDEO. It’s making the new normal.Mar 26, 2019250Mar 26, 2019250
Published inStories & SVNITA story of becoming a designer, being an engineerA true story.Nov 24, 2018108Nov 24, 2018108
Published inPrototyprConfessions of a product designer being an engineerWhile I fear this article will make sense only to those who have had a battle in learning to switch from left brain thinking to right…Nov 2, 20184111Nov 2, 20184111
Published inUX CollectiveTangy-Tech, making your tech tangible. Consciously.It’s not far that your idea of a mobile/web application would be just on a bend-able surface or a projection. And that makes your product…May 29, 2018256May 29, 2018256
Published inThe StartupPerception vs Proficiency : Hiring DesignersCreatives take dictation from divine. So they say.Apr 30, 2018Apr 30, 2018
Published inDesign IndiaDesigning for ‘Happiness Curriculum’ and IndiaA few weeks into 2018 and on my way to Dharamshala, I found this flipping through a newsletter on Delhi Airport.Apr 14, 2018Apr 14, 2018
Published inUX CollectiveDesign Think: Ideation game for kidsWhat makes you creative? What triggers ideas in oneself? How to train your child to think out of the box?Apr 12, 20181Apr 12, 20181
Published inPrototyprAnalog inspiring Digital, Alphabets(Material Design)How many times have you been to a user experience/ app development discussion and hear everyone talking about material design? It is in…Apr 4, 2018Apr 4, 2018