Seniority and Soft SkillsIt’s the soft-skills that *should* make the difference in seniorityApr 4, 2020Apr 4, 2020
Dunning-Kruger ReduxSomething that every #CowboyDeveloper needs to internalize, but, by definition, none ever will…Jan 13, 2020Jan 13, 2020
Traveling — and Eating — in ItalyThings I’ve learned — sometimes the hard way — in my sojourns in ItalyAug 31, 2019Aug 31, 2019
Don’t Roll Your Own ConsensusRolling Your Own Consensus is the blockchain version of Rolling Your Own Crypto.Mar 25, 2019Mar 25, 2019
The Big Picture — and Aligning PrioritiesI know this is straight from The Department of Belaboring The Obvious, but yes, the Big Picture matters. It matters regardless of where…Feb 20, 2019Feb 20, 2019
The One Where You *Know* You’re RightIt’s quite easy to come to a decision when you’re just by yourself. But when you need to reach consensus with others, Boy Howdy…Dec 11, 2018Dec 11, 2018
The Perils of RefactoringYou won’t change this obvious typo because, *maybe there is a reason*Nov 30, 20182Nov 30, 20182
Published inUX CollectiveThree (more!) dimensions of UXSay you’re building something completely new and different, which can leave users feeling anxious and/or confused. How do you introduce it…Nov 7, 2018Nov 7, 2018
Do You Know Your Company’s Goals?The ability to make reasoned informed decisions around what and how we build things requires that we actually *be* informed…Nov 5, 2018Nov 5, 2018
“Nobody here is qualified enough to review my code!”eventual-consistency-git: Everybody develops against their own branch, and cherry picks from each other to get updatesNov 2, 2018Nov 2, 2018