Help Ukrainian Heroes survive and fight with Russian invadersHi, my name is Denys Nevozhai. I’m a UX designer here in Silicon Valley. I’m originally from Ukraine where my family and friends were…Mar 4, 20221Mar 4, 20221
Transhumanism and the questions it raisesThere is a theory that between now and Singularity (it’s the time when no one knows where humanity will be) there will be a period of…Apr 3, 20175Apr 3, 20175
Published inДизайн-кабакКак дизайнер в Америку уехалМеня не часто спрашивают как я уехал, возможно потому что никому не интересно, а может потому что стесняются спросить, а может потому что…Aug 26, 201619Aug 26, 201619
Published inUX CollectiveAlcatel Watch UXDesigning user experience for Alcatel’s first smart wearable deviceAug 3, 201512Aug 3, 201512
Published inSmart Watch UXApple Watch User Onboarding Analysis.Detailed illustration of Apple Watch onboarding flow with some UX analysis, criticism and suggestions in form of a slide deck. A lot of…May 13, 2015May 13, 2015
Published inSmart Watch UXWho is the real designer of Apple Watch?Marc Newson’s influence on Apple Watch is so obvious, that one question arise:Sep 10, 20141Sep 10, 20141
How I lost my car, hid from the police, escaped the city and nearly divorced.Winter. Ukraine is trying to take off corrupted government led by president Viktor Yanukovich who suddenly changed vector from Europe to…Sep 7, 2014Sep 7, 2014
Published inExpats’ ChinaRelocation to China for DummiesExpat’s first steps in Shanghai.Jun 20, 20145Jun 20, 20145
Published inExpats’ ChinaEarly Shanghai Review.I just started working in a big company in Shanghai. Today is my third day and I’d like to share some early observations.Jun 5, 2014Jun 5, 2014
Published inExpats’ China2. Консульская легализация документов для посольства Китая.Как забрать с собой семью в Китай. Сначала необходимо доказать, что твоя семья — действительно твоя семья.May 31, 2014May 31, 2014
Published inExpats’ China1. Получение визы для работы в Китае.Конечно, если вы получили оффер, вам все расскажут, но как показала моя практика, могут быть “трудности перевода”.May 31, 20141May 31, 20141
Car Dashboard UI CollectionNowadays nearly every car manufacturer implements digital dashboards. Here is a collection of some of them.May 27, 20147May 27, 20147