Diversity and Inclusion: Benefits of a Multi-Generational TeamIn the past, we’ve discussed the vast benefits of diversity within tech teams — including gender and racial diversity. Various studies…Dec 18, 2017Dec 18, 2017
Let’s talk about your biggest weaknessWant to make a good first impression at your next job interview? Have you considered talking about your biggest weakness?Oct 17, 2017Oct 17, 2017
9 Indicators of a Healthy Company CultureCompany culture encompasses the collective values, beliefs and principles of the employees within an organization. There are many things…Jun 21, 2017Jun 21, 2017
5 Ways Game of Thrones is Exactly Like Your JobWith the premiere of season 7 of Game of Thrones getting closer (July 17!), I figured I might as well put my obsession into a post…May 30, 2017May 30, 2017
8 Habits of Extremely Likeable LeadersContrary to popular belief, being likeable isn’t a trait you’re born with. Like any good habit, developing a likeable personality takes…May 26, 2017May 26, 2017
The 8 Personality Traits of a Successful HireWith many positions receiving hundreds of qualified applicants, narrowing down the pool of applicants can be a challenge. Although skills…May 16, 2017May 16, 2017
BREAKING: Black Rabbit at Center of United Controversy had History of Carrot AbuseCHICAGO, IL — Described as “belligerent and disruptive” by United Airlines CEO, sources today confirmed the 10-month old black rabbit in…Apr 26, 2017Apr 26, 2017
What the “Buy American, Hire American” Executive Order Could Mean for the Tech IndustryTech companies, specifically in the cyber security space, are preparing for stricter regulations in light of the new order.Apr 25, 2017Apr 25, 2017
6 Ways Tech Managers Can Boost Employee Happiness (and Productivity)Because happy employees are productive employees.Apr 18, 2017Apr 18, 2017
Diversity and Inclusion Needs to Start with Tech LeadershipSilicon Valley and the tech industry on a whole has a long-standing problem with diversity and inclusion: the question is, how can it be…Apr 14, 2017Apr 14, 2017
United Forced to Re-Accommodate Passenger Mid-FlightUnited Airlines feeling pressure to apologize or something after videos showing a passenger being forcibly removed from a plane mid-flight…Apr 11, 20171Apr 11, 20171
Published inNewCo ShiftConfidence, Mentors, and Harassment: The Challenges of Being a Woman in TechWith men comprising a high percentage of those in the tech space, it can be difficult as a woman trying to compete. Tech giants like…Mar 29, 20171Mar 29, 20171
Published inUX CollectiveOvercoming the challenges of being a woman in TechWith men comprising a high percentage of those in the tech space, it can be difficult as a woman trying to compete. Here is some advice…Mar 27, 20174Mar 27, 20174
The Highs and Lows of Being a Woman in TechThere has been momentous push to highlight gender inequality within tech, yet the question still remains: Why are there so few women in…Mar 10, 20172Mar 10, 20172
8 Terrible Assumptions You’re Making about Data SecurityWe’ve all heard the saying that “employees are a company’s greatest asset” and with my career focused in helping great companies find great…Jan 13, 2017Jan 13, 2017
$300 Apple Book has 450 Photos of Apple ProductsIn a move that has taken the tech industry by storm, Apple has announced its most courageous product to date: a book containing 450 images…Nov 15, 2016Nov 15, 2016
America’s New RealityI smile because you call me sexy. My heart races, palms sweat and I quicken my step. You invite me closer. I smile again, but can barely…Nov 11, 2016Nov 11, 2016
10 every day work habits that make you look completely unprofessional at workWe all have bad habits that we bring to the workplace. Here’s the ten most common habits that wreak havoc on your professional image in a…Nov 10, 2016Nov 10, 2016
8 SECRETS of Extremely Likeable CandidatesDoing well in an interview is a developed skill, not something you’re born with. The problem is that most people view an interview the same…Nov 7, 2016Nov 7, 2016
10 Things You Should NEVER Do After an InterviewMaybe hold off on sending those flowers to the interviewer why don’t cha.Oct 27, 2016Oct 27, 2016