The Metamodern Community Has a Fascist Problem — Let’s Talk about What We Can Do about ItFascism is stupid man’s socialism. We shouldn’t forget that Mussolini was a socialist before he became a fascist, and it’s hard to ignore…Mar 61Mar 61
New Course: The 6 Hidden Patterns of HistoryA Sneak Peak and an Overwhelming Cascade of Facts and FictionsAug 24, 2024Aug 24, 2024
The 6 Hidden Patterns: Chapter 1A Brief Introduction to the Metamemes ModelAug 18, 20249Aug 18, 20249
New Introduction Course on Metamodernism!One-week course, Monday to Friday June 10th-14thApr 16, 2024Apr 16, 2024
Published inUX CollectiveMetamodern sociologyAn ironically sincere invitation to future scholars and cultural designersMar 1, 2024Mar 1, 2024
The Psychological Dangers of Living on the Fringe of Modernity’s Value SystemsFeb 28, 2024Feb 28, 2024
This Christmas, Embrace Your MediocrityAn Excerpt from “12 Commandments: For Extraordinary People to Master Ordinary Life”Dec 22, 20232Dec 22, 20232
Published inUX CollectiveReconstructions of the IndigenousA letter to my fellow pragmatic dreamers and co-designers of new realitiesJul 20, 202310Jul 20, 202310
New, Graduate-level Course on Metamodernism AvailableWe are pleased to announce a new, graduate-level course on metamodernism. This time around, Emil Ejner Friis is joined by the other half of…Jul 14, 20231Jul 14, 20231
Published inUX CollectiveEcological thinking, redesignedTo design for DEGROWTH in the economy, we must first redesign our green philosophy. AKA, “the case for a metamodern ecologism”Jul 15, 20231Jul 15, 20231
When I Ask Why Tech Billionaires FightWhen I ask why capital concentrates, they call me “a non-random network theorist”; when I ask why tech billionaires fight, they call me “a…Jun 28, 20232Jun 28, 20232
One Day After Wagner: 10 Action Points on Russia-UkraineWhat can we, as citizens of the world, do to avoid the worst consequences of the war in Ukraine and to make “the best” out of a grim…Jun 25, 20232Jun 25, 20232
Published inCounter ArtsMetamodern Art, Culture, and PoliticsA very brief intro to metamodernismJun 24, 2023Jun 24, 2023
Why Global Inequality Grows (and in which ways)Going beyond Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the 21st Century”Jun 23, 20238Jun 23, 20238
3 BS Traps when Working with Hipsters, Hippies, and HackersA list of the three most common pitfalls when entering the “saving the world” business of the creative classJun 22, 2023Jun 22, 2023
The Reign of Hackers, Hipsters & HippiesThese people are not just annoying, they are also about to take over the worldJun 21, 2023Jun 21, 2023
Why “I” Must Take Radical Responsibility — But “You” Don’tA deep-dive into the basic categories of reality and the existential stance they implyJun 20, 20234Jun 20, 20234
Political Polarization Turns Me OnPick a fight — save democracy (political philosophy essay on attractive opposites)Jun 19, 20231Jun 19, 20231