![Example UI of a user prompt, asking them if they want to continue with all changes. The prompt shows a ‘save and continue’ primary button, a ‘discard’ secondary button and a ‘cancel’ link.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:80:53/1*Mvp3c2z5iH8G6YsZPCmWZQ.png)
![Example UI of a user prompt, asking them if they want to continue with all changes. The prompt shows a ‘save and continue’ primary button, a ‘discard’ secondary button and a ‘cancel’ link.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:160:107/1*Mvp3c2z5iH8G6YsZPCmWZQ.png)
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Product Design. Web Developer. Dutch Entrepreneur. Digital Communications Expert & Internet Pioneer. Founder of http://nwzer.com; User-generated News