Designer pour une cause mondialeLudo, Clément et Sébastien ont créé l’association française Woke il y a quelques années pour aider les populations démunies dans les pays…Jan 29, 2020Jan 29, 2020
Published inPrototyprClover is going to optimize your shopping — UX / UI Case StudyCrafting an innovative experience with a shopping appDec 29, 20181Dec 29, 20181
Published inUX CollectiveWhoSport app: invitation between sportswomen — a UX case studyBrief: The Wellness Institute wants designers to reimagine how people can adopt and maintain a routine that enhances their wellbeing. It…Dec 28, 2018Dec 28, 2018
UX / UI Case study for Au Bout du Champ appBrief: The parisian grocery “Au Bout Champ” wants to give more information to sell more fruits and vegetables.Dec 16, 2018Dec 16, 2018
UX case Study : University Usability ReportThe website of the University of Tennessee at KnoxvilleSep 2, 2018Sep 2, 2018
My first visual note-taking !Margaret Gould Stewart, Facebook’s director of product design — How giant websites design for you ?Aug 29, 20181Aug 29, 20181