![Meghan Wenzel](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:96:96/2*NDs-sPWFms--SRj7cZEeNQ.jpeg)
Meghan Wenzel
![A smartphone shows a folder of social media apps from Facebook to Instagram to Twitter.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:80:53/1*sl-RfKXSi79ASHMV_CYJxw.jpeg)
![A smartphone shows a folder of social media apps from Facebook to Instagram to Twitter.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:160:107/1*sl-RfKXSi79ASHMV_CYJxw.jpeg)
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![A woman triumphantly stands on a railing viewing the vast cloudy mountains in front of her.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:80:53/1*ufzGqq3utVQ7J3vk-8x6mA.jpeg)
![A woman triumphantly stands on a railing viewing the vast cloudy mountains in front of her.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:160:107/1*ufzGqq3utVQ7J3vk-8x6mA.jpeg)
![We see a bird’s eye view of a table with a notebook, sticky notes, and a computer mouse. A woman is sketching out a user flow.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:80:53/1*rQlxM7-sKraqzw955ghOTw.jpeg)
![We see a bird’s eye view of a table with a notebook, sticky notes, and a computer mouse. A woman is sketching out a user flow.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:160:107/1*rQlxM7-sKraqzw955ghOTw.jpeg)
![Two people view a transit map to plan out a route.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:80:53/1*w9ElVSnnN54O9YV6Vi9fwA.jpeg)
![Two people view a transit map to plan out a route.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:160:107/1*w9ElVSnnN54O9YV6Vi9fwA.jpeg)
![We see a pile of open books stacked on top of each other.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:80:53/1*WIdvBMUKRpip68H76HSrFw.jpeg)
![We see a pile of open books stacked on top of each other.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:160:107/1*WIdvBMUKRpip68H76HSrFw.jpeg)
![We see a neon red sign saying “It began as a mistake”.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:80:53/1*QkSqDjnOui89L5U_GzVxMA.jpeg)
![We see a neon red sign saying “It began as a mistake”.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:160:107/1*QkSqDjnOui89L5U_GzVxMA.jpeg)
![A hand holds up a lens that brings the surrounding street and cityscape into focus.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:80:53/1*hRy-hxK3HrNAY8lDMARTfg.jpeg)
![A hand holds up a lens that brings the surrounding street and cityscape into focus.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:160:107/1*hRy-hxK3HrNAY8lDMARTfg.jpeg)
![A woman completes a satisfaction survey on an iPad.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:80:53/1*US1G1PDZJyUdFD9jlOG1uQ.jpeg)
![A woman completes a satisfaction survey on an iPad.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:160:107/1*US1G1PDZJyUdFD9jlOG1uQ.jpeg)
![Three colleagues look at a white board as they group and organize colored sticky notes.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:80:53/1*W0NgwXfx36ggD2Zx52TbaQ.jpeg)
![Three colleagues look at a white board as they group and organize colored sticky notes.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:160:107/1*W0NgwXfx36ggD2Zx52TbaQ.jpeg)
![Water flows down a large, multi-tiered waterfall.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:80:53/1*PbILkqlsDvZTUG_ax_iglQ.jpeg)
![Water flows down a large, multi-tiered waterfall.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:160:107/1*PbILkqlsDvZTUG_ax_iglQ.jpeg)
![We see thumbnails of various templates, including a mind map, kanban framework, quick retrospective, user story map, customer journey, flowchart, and brainwriting.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:80:53/1*ZKsOBmLVimTZLQQoh9WOkw.png)
![We see thumbnails of various templates, including a mind map, kanban framework, quick retrospective, user story map, customer journey, flowchart, and brainwriting.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:160:107/1*ZKsOBmLVimTZLQQoh9WOkw.png)