Published inThe StartupThe Pain and Paradoxes of Creativity“Fuck you Isabel”, my mind screeched as I was about to put a spoonful of steaming hot Indian breakfast soup in my mouth. No matter how…Apr 10, 20202122Apr 10, 20202122
Published inWe’ve moved to to display an image on HTML5 canvasOk, so here’s a question: “Why do we need an article for this, Nash?”Jan 17, 20192401Jan 17, 20192401
Published inDevfolioDesigning a better UX for hackathons.Part 1: ApplicationsAug 31, 2018588Aug 31, 2018588
Published inUX CollectiveHow to fix dragging animation in UI with simple mathLet’s start it this way, consider any piece of software where dragging elements around is a major part of the interaction. Now pay close…Jul 31, 201811K35Jul 31, 201811K35
Published inUX CollectiveHow you can use simple Trigonometry to create better loadersRecently while researching on landing pages, I ran into a website. It’s great and super useful for the people who use it. Something on the…May 5, 201811.7K27May 5, 201811.7K27
Published inWe’ve moved to Linear Interpolation in UI AnimationIn traditional (hand-drawn) animation, a senior or key artist draws keyframes that define the motion.May 14, 20177954May 14, 20177954
Published inWe’ve moved to’s Prototypal Inheritance Explained Using CSSPrototypal inheritance is arguably the least understood aspect of JavaScript. Well the good news is that if you understand how CSS works…Jan 22, 20171.4K18Jan 22, 20171.4K18
Published inWe’ve moved to CSS pseudo-classes work, explained with code and lots of diagramsLet’s be honest — there are times when CSS can really hurt your brain. It’s hard enough to center an element inside its parents.Nov 6, 20161.1K12Nov 6, 20161.1K12
Let’s settle ‘this’ — Part TwoHey! Welcome to part two of Let’s settle ‘this’ where we are trying to demystify one of JavaScript’s least understood aspect — the ‘this’…Jun 22, 20164205Jun 22, 20164205
Let’s settle ‘this’ — Part OneCan’t we all relate to this? At some point ‘this’ has been a thing to think about for almost all JavaScript developers. For me, whenever…Jun 22, 20163897Jun 22, 20163897
Published inWe’ve moved to Out With Bezier CurvesSince the past few days I have been trying to write my own little JavaScript animation library. I know I know no one really cares about a…May 24, 201616May 24, 201616
Designing the perfect Wallpaper AppWallpaper apps don’t get a whole lot of love, do they? Then one day WLPPR came along. It’s a beautifully designed app with a ton of…Apr 26, 20162Apr 26, 20162
A gentle introduction to React MotionReact is great, I am having a lot of fun playing around with it for the past few weeks. I decided to take a shot and try out React Motion…Jan 10, 201620Jan 10, 201620
Recreating the Apple TV icons in JavaScript and CSSApple did it again, the attention to detail is amazing. The one thing I loved the most about the September 9 event were these icons.Sep 14, 20155Sep 14, 20155
Published inUX in IndiaThings I built at MusixMatchI landed an internship at MusixMatch this summer, here are behind the scenes of some projects I worked onAug 20, 20151Aug 20, 20151
How building a chrome extension helped me ace my examsEnjoy reading my journey through designing this extension and what all it taught me along the way.Mar 29, 2015Mar 29, 2015
Published inUX in IndiaWhat every developer must learn from designers.No, not photoshopMar 3, 2015Mar 3, 2015
I built a chrome extension to control my online time wastage and it worked!These are the design decisions that I made along the way and how I managed to reduce the amount of time I waste online. Enjoy reading!Feb 8, 20156Feb 8, 20156
How to begin touch typing and WhyChoosing the right tools and techniques to get you startedDec 21, 20148Dec 21, 20148