Tech’s Long Hours Are Discriminatory and CounterproductiveOne-third of workers are ill or disabled — and this industry is shutting them outSep 4, 20227Sep 4, 20227
Tech’s Long Hours Are Discriminatory and CounterproductiveOne-third of workers are ill or disabled—and this industry is shutting them outFeb 11, 201937Feb 11, 201937
I’m an AI researcher, and here is what scares me about AIWarnings about sentient robots are overblown. Here are the 5 things that really scare me…Jan 30, 201910Jan 30, 201910
The tech industry is failing people with disabilities and chronic illnessesThe creators of our technology need to be representative of the people using it, which includes people with disabilities & chronic…Jan 21, 20198Jan 21, 20198
Published inCode Like A GirlOn Toxic Jobs, Low Self-Esteem, & InterviewingI recently received the following question: Hi Rachel, I am a software engineer who is dealing with low self esteem. There are people at…Jul 18, 20186Jul 18, 20186
Diversity Crisis in AI, 2017 editionDeep learning has great potential, but currently the people using this technology are overwhelmingly white and male. We’re already seeing…Aug 16, 20172Aug 16, 20172
Why you (yes, you) should blogThe top advice I would give my younger self would be to start blogging sooner. Here are some reasons to blog:Jul 28, 201716Jul 28, 201716
Published inUX CollectiveHow diversity branding hurts diversityWe tend to think that any effort towards diversity is a good thing, and that there is no harm in trying. But we should also listen to the…Mar 20, 20174Mar 20, 20174
How to Make Tech Interviews a Little Less AwfulEverything about the current interview process in tech is broken. I suspect that, no matter what, being evaluated and making judgements on…Mar 5, 201724Mar 5, 201724
The Real Reason Women Quit Tech (and How to Address It)This article has been translated into Portuguese by the Maria Lab and translated into Spanish by Anastassia Ivaškiva of Tallín University.Oct 4, 201680Oct 4, 201680