Put your own mask on first…My first 6 weeks of being a new mom were full of bleak moments. Weeks of anxiety about how much my baby was eating, hours spent wishing the…Jun 2, 201871Jun 2, 201871
The rest of your pregnancy (it does get better — kind of)This is a (very late) post on the last half of my pregnancy. Read about the first half here.Jun 1, 2018391Jun 1, 2018391
Published inPrototyprTools are the easy part. Do you have the right processes to make remote design thinking work?This is part two of a three-part series on how to incorporate remote design thinking into your organization. Read part one about having the…Aug 24, 2017602Aug 24, 2017602
Halfway there — what people don’t tell you about being pregnant…You will stop birth control prematurely because you think you are old and it will take 6 -12 months to get pregnant. You will promptly find…Aug 17, 2017694Aug 17, 2017694
Published inUX CollectiveDo you have the right mind-set to make remote design collaboration work?Tools are the easy partApr 20, 2017661Apr 20, 2017661
Published inPrototyprHow a 10-day silent meditation course made me a better researcherA few years ago I was a dejected sole design researcher at my startup.Feb 25, 2017121Feb 25, 2017121
Published inUX CollectiveYou can plan design sprints, but you can’t plan “insights” or “innovation”The best insights are not revealed while you are “interviewing” usersFeb 2, 2017521Feb 2, 2017521
What’s your superpower?I am seeing the next generation of super smart MBA graduates enter the workforce. They join startups and morph into what the startup needs…Jan 19, 201731Jan 19, 201731
Published inUX CollectiveStart with a story, and end with the metricsEvery all-hands should start with the metrics. Every design brainstorm should start with a story.Sep 18, 20162581Sep 18, 20162581
The time my “awesome” feature completely bombed (and why I am glad my CEO didn’t fire me)It’s like the time I did something awful, admitted it to my parents, and they didn’t stop loving me. Doing something awful didn’t make me…May 21, 201618May 21, 201618
Published inUX CollectiveDelight is not cute flourishes“Delight” is becoming an overused and increasingly bastardized term in design conversationsJul 7, 20151Jul 7, 20151
Musings of a transplantDisclaimer: I will make sweeping generalizations about both India and America. I am surrounded (as most of you reading are) by thoughtful…Mar 24, 2015Mar 24, 2015
San Francisco is a bubble, but it’s my bubbleThoughts imported from a post I wrote while traveling in Macedonia in Aug 2013. Similar feelings grip me every time I leave San Francisco.Feb 11, 2015Feb 11, 2015