A design system business case & business benefits — the ultimate guide

Matěj Káninský
UX Collective
Published in
33 min readMay 24, 2020
An illustration of designers holding design props.
Design vector created by stories — www.freepik.com

IIn-house built design systems have become an essential enabler for product teams. [32,37] They bring a large number of benefits from efficiency to consistency to improved collaboration. Consequently, they drive better business results as they allow teams to spend more time solving real user problems and get solutions faster to the market.

Over the past five years, I’ve helped initiate and I’ve also contributed to several design systems. I’ve experienced the benefits of aligned teams, reusable components and rapid high-fidelity prototyping, which among other improvements, allowed us to quickly launch experiments, measure their impact, and deliver value faster.

However, building and maintaining a design system is a big task. And starting can get even more challenging if you don’t yet have the buy-in from fellow design, engineering and business folk. If that’s your case, you’ve probably heard at least some of these:

  • We need to develop and ship. This is not a priority.
  • It’s going to slow us down.
  • It’s going to be too expensive. We can’t afford this right now, maybe in the future.
  • You don’t have components already?
  • Design system what?

As someone interested in or working on a design system, you probably don’t need to be convinced about design systems’ benefits, however, getting others onboard requires having the right arguments. I went through lots of books and articles so that you don’t have to. In this article, I’ll focus primarily on how to sell a design system idea to your business colleagues but we touch upon other audiences as well. Let’s dive in.

Contents ✍️

The importance of a business case
Understand the approval process in your company
How to structure a design system business case

1. Determine the strategic need or opportunity
2. Lay out your project approach and goals
3. Describe the business benefits of creating a design system
4. Estimate the project costs
5. Outline risks
6. Estimate ROI

The importance of a business case

Why is it not always easy to get the budget for a design system, when having one just makes sense? While working on our immediate projects, we often don’t see that each initiative is competing for limited company resources. The better we can show how our activities tie to the company business goals, the better the chance of getting our projects going. [12]

If you happen to be a UX professional, it should come naturally to you to first understand your customers’ needs (in this case the decision-makers’). Put yourself in their shoes, find out what is important to them and how they are evaluated. As Sheen and Gallo write in [26], with a business case you are “enabling your leadership team to make a wise investment decision. A business case addresses the question: What happens if we take this course of action?

Creating a solid business case is a lot of work but you’ll see that if you get the final ‘yes’, it will be worth it. Before we get there, though, you’ll need to find out how your company approves projects.

Understand the approval process in your company

An illustration of two men shaking hands.
Business vector created by stories — www.freepik.com

Without knowing when and where to go, what to focus on, and what level of detail is needed, you might be doing a lot of great work and still get nowhere. Therefore, before you even start building your case for a design system, understand how projects and initiatives are approved in your company. Find out the following:

1. General approach to project funding

How a budget for an initiative like a design system is dealt with?

  • Is there a centralised budget? Who owns it?
  • Do departments who benefit from a project co-finance it?
  • Do you need to have a ‘sponsor’ who is already willing to fund your initiative? [12]

Are projects budgeted for a certain period of time, all at once, in phases? Can they stand alone or do they need to be tied to a larger portfolio?

2. Funding cycles & timing

Understand when new projects can apply for funding — is it at a certain point in time (e.g. calendar or fiscal year) or is it continuous (on an ad hoc basis)?

Is there then a one-off meeting you need to set up, a regular committee, or a formal process you need to follow? When is it happening? Seems trivial but can make a big difference knowing whether the committee you need to go to is held fortnightly, quarterly, or once a year.

Are there other business cases evaluated at the same time? What are they? Is there something different, specific about yours that could catch the evaluators’ attention?

Take into account recent events which may have had an impact on your business — these could play a big role in the decision-making process and priorities.

3. Evaluation criteria & level of detail

Is your company currently trying to expand, save costs or is it in the middle of a transformation journey? Knowing this will help you present your design system effort from the right angle.

Which criteria are being considered by the decision-makers to determine which projects shall be approved? These normally reflect your business priorities and goals — think KPIs, OKRs, etc. Already start thinking about how your design system could positively affect those. There might be a direct or indirect impact — consider both.

Find out what level of detail your decision-makers expect.

4. Decision-makers

Know your audience. Know who ultimately decides (e.g. one decision-maker, committee, multiple stakeholders). Bear in mind that there might be different processes depending on how much you ask for.

Who do the decision-makers take advice from? Is there a dominant person or department which is key to get on your side? Is there something they respond well to? Or something they hate to see in a business proposal? Are they revenue-oriented, is customer satisfaction a driver? What do they care about the most? What do they ask about when reviewing proposals?

Find a design system advocate who has a say or can influence decision-making. Your chances are highest with a person whose division, department, product, or service will benefit from a design system.

Note: Here it’s also important to consider who usually presents in such meetings as it might not be you. It could be your CTO, CDO, CPO or another manager. Also, the design system could be a part of a larger budget request. This person will need to know the business case story inside out and they need to be bought in to be able to answer questions and to be persuasive.

5. Templates

Your company may have a specific template you need to use when presenting a business case or if you want to decide on a budget. Get it. If you don’t use the standardised form your decision-makers require, you might be disqualifying yourself already in the first round. Also, ask colleagues who have successfully applied to show you how they filled in the template. Rejected cases will also be a good resource for learning.

If the above is not known to you yet, approach it as a research study, it’s gonna be more fun. Interview colleagues who know more than you and who got projects in your area approved before. What did they do right? What didn’t work well? What would they focus on if they were you?

Once you have a good grasp of how your company’s pennies get split, it’s time to start working on the business case itself.

How to structure a design system business case

Raymond Sheen, the president of Product and Process Innovation, Inc, underlines that the winning business cases tell “memorable and compelling stories”. He recommends approaching business cases as an adventure novel, in which your company overcomes a problem or seizes a new opportunity by implementing your idea. [25] You want to find the just-right mix of storytelling and facts which is appropriate for your audience.

The structure you choose may need to be adapted based on your specific approval process. Below, I’ll outline a general business case structure found in business, design system and UX related literature. [7,12,17,25,26]

In general, your stakeholders will want to see ROI (Return On Investment) and how your project is helping the strategic goals. They will want to see the specific costs and benefits, as well as risks and opportunities. The rest of the article tackles the main topics one by one:

  1. Determine the strategic need or opportunity
  2. Lay out your project approach and goals
  3. Describe the business benefits of creating a design system
  4. Estimate the project costs
  5. Outline risks
  6. Estimate ROI (includes design system stats)

💡 Consider framing the case in the wider context of Design thinking business benefits

A design system on its own won’t fix bad design and bad design practice. However, if it is a part of a transformation towards customer-centricity, it becomes one of the cornerstones of your design process, helping teams to collaborate and deliver better quality products to users faster. So if your company is not too far on the UX maturity scale [8,9], it might be helpful to tie your design system business case to user-centred and design thinking benefits overall.

In her talk at the Design Systems London 2019 conference [38], Anja Klüver, suggested framing the case for a design system in the wider context of Design thinking. Design thinking practices have been proven to drive amazing business outcomes if done properly. For example, IBM’s Design Thinking Practice has brought 301% ROI, cost-savings of $20.6 million, 2x faster time-to-market, 75% reduced design time, and 33% reduced development time. [3] Consider using those numbers to get your stakeholders’ attention.

👉 More design-system-specific figures in chapter 6. Estimate ROI.

1. Determine the strategic need or opportunity

An illustration of a young woman and a question mark.
People vector created by stories — www.freepik.com

There must be a business need. Otherwise, what are you solving with the design system and why should anyone pay for it?

You might already have some problem candidates — something probably isn’t going as well as it could. Make sure to look into each problem properly and make it crystal clear. If you cannot articulate it well, you can’t expect your audience to buy into it. Ground the problem or the opportunity in research — ask your stakeholders and peers from relevant disciplines what they are struggling with; observe; create an experience map for both designers and developers; gather relevant data — find the root cause and document everything. Ask them for help if needed, they might even become your supporters which can be very helpful (especially if their departments are later part of the approval process).

Unless your company is a start-up, chances are that you have to deal with legacy systems and processes, technical debt [39], UX debt [10,40], etc. All these are slowing you down in an environment that screams: ‘Faster!’. Businesses, therefore, often find themselves having to decide between investing in foundational work (e.g. a design system) vs pursuing functional work (launching features and products), long-term benefits vs immediate goals. [28] If the foundational work is weak and your company is growing or has to adapt quickly to changing needs, the lack of systematic design thinking and doing will manifest in the following areas:

Time to market too slow → Missed business opportunities

The digital economy is growing fast, we are moving more and more from digital products to services which require constant development. If you are not evolving, you can be sure that someone else is. As if this wasn’t enough, it’s not only the direct competition we need to constantly monitor, customers are now comparing digital products beyond traditional sectors (liquid expectations [24]).

Keeping such pace without introducing a design and development debt [10,39,40] is impossible unless you have a systematic approach to building digital products and services (and even then it’s a challenge).

Missed design & development deadlines → Projects over budget or never delivered

Design-development handoffs, messy structures both in design files and in the codebase, non-existent onboarding materials, a non-existent glossary of terms leading to ambiguity, designs not implemented to designers’ wishes on one side and custom styling of every component which is very time-demanding to maintain on the other [14].

You may be also seeing duplicated efforts across your teams, effectively making a single component x-times more expensive for the company.

Scattered brand image → Perceived quality, trust and your brand equity compromised

Design teams are being increasingly invested in. Our teams grow (which is amazing). If you’re working on an international product, the odds are that your team is also distributed across cities, countries or even continents. With growth, however, it becomes much harder to keep everyone on the same page when it comes to following the same design language. As a result, parts of the same product or a suite of products may start to look and feel as from different brands, quality may vary broadly.

💡Interface inventories are a powerful tool to showcase inconsistencies, redundancies and, therefore, show how time and money might be being wasted in the current way of working. They also show how your brand identity is being compromised. If you have a large digital product or a suite of products to maintain, some parts of them might be on-brand while others are outdated. What message do you send to your customers?

As Alla Kholmatova puts it in her book Design Systems: “Intuition is not always reliable or scalable.” [14]

Poor user experience → Low user satisfaction, product adoption & loyalty

More complex design problems. Our products, services, and, therefore, the interfaces through which our users access them, have become much more complex. Product teams are often only looking into small pieces of the interface or the customer journey at the time. Without a systematic approach stemming from a shared purpose and vision, there is a risk of losing the sight of the bigger picture leading to fragmented customer experience. [14,30]

Arbitrary design decisions. When there are no standards and only vague guidelines, everyone’s opinion counts. If designers don’t have clear argumentation stemming from a higher purpose, principles and guidelines, HiPPOs, decision-makers and many other actors in the process (including the design team) can easily require design changes based on their personal taste. This can lead to unsystematic design decisions which may break the user experience, predictability of the product and user trust in the system.

Usability issues & Design debt. Bad design decisions (see above) and unsystematic design process often lead to usability issues, incoherent visual language and poor interactions — UX and design debt. Your team has launched a new feature out to the world but it has a lot of issues, which you’ll need to fix. As we’ll see later, fixing such issues post-launch is dramatically more expensive + it’s hurting your brand perception. In other words, you’ve taken a loan but if you want your customers to be happy with your product, you’ll need to pay it off and there’s going to be a high interest attached to it. [39]

Strangled innovation, low product adoption & loyalty → Missed business opportunities & small market share

A new product/service/feature adoption is dependent on multiple factors — from marketing to customer service to product design, etc. The key prerequisite for any product success, however, is solving the right user issue (remember the classic Norman’s double diamond phases → #1 Finding the right problem, #2 Finding the right solution [19]). So many companies put a lot of effort and money into finding ‘the right solution’ to a problem which doesn’t exist or is not worth solving. Simply put, they skip the ‘finding the right problem’ phase.

That’s not to say that finding the right solution and crafting it well is less important. Your product can be failing exactly because of this — you’ve found the user need but you are not offering the right solution.

If your designers’ and developers’ time is spent focusing on repeatedly reinventing your system building blocks for every product or service, you are doing a disservice to both your current and future products. Instead of understanding user needs properly, designing, coding and testing to mitigate the risks of launching a product which no one wants and/or is super buggy, your team is stuck working on low impact, low value-adding activities.

Weak performance & bugs → Low trust, broken credibility, abandonment

You can have the best visual and interaction design in the world but if your system’s performance is slow and your users are getting a lot of errors, it doesn’t matter. Even a second of delay can cost your business millions. [34,41] And it’s not only the immediate sale you’ve lost, it might also be all the future ones since the customer is now with your competitor who provides a faster and more reliable service. Errors also break the trust between the user and your service and can lead customers to question your credibility and the quality of all your products (think of the last time you were buying an airplane ticket and the site threw an error; did that make the airline feel safer?)

In large-scale digital services, you need a degree of standardisation which makes it possible to put the whole system together while keeping it coherent and fast. Without clear guidelines and reusable components (UI building blocks) which are carefully crafted both design and code-wise, you are playing a dangerous game as at some point it will become very difficult to maintain and sustain. A bloated code base slows down your service and as you see below, that can have a dramatic impact on whether people abandon your product.

Page load 1–3 seconds, the probability of bounce increases 32%; page load 1–10 seconds, probability of bound increases 123%.
Source: New Industry benchmarks for mobile page speed [42]

Once you’ve determined the key strategic business need and/or opportunity (The Why), it’s time to look at your project approach (The How).

2. Lay out your project approach and goals

An illustration of a women writing in between gear wheels.
Idea vector created by stories — www.freepik.com

Your decision-makers will want to see that you have considered multiple scenarios of how to deliver on the business need and that you have a high-level understanding of how your proposal could be turned into reality.

Show alternative solutions

This is a tough one. You’ll need to show alternative solutions (ideally two to three) to meet the business need. Show which is most efficient, cost-effective, most appropriate for the organisation’s culture and capabilities. [26]

You can be convinced that a full-fleshed design system is the only good solution and that might as well be true. However, your decision-makers will want to see that you’ve thought of alternatives too and analysed them properly. It may be discouraging but let’s keep our empathetic hat on — if they don’t know much about design systems, how do they know that a design system is the best option to satisfy the business need? What could be the alternative? A design system is a serious investment and they are responsible for mitigating risks for the company.


  • An alternative might be a static style guide, or whatever is the current status you are not happy with (that is is the do-nothing option [26]). Adam Zielonko explains nicely the difference between the style guide-based and design system-based products in the below charts.
Style guide-based products vs Design system-based products. Design system-based products evolve over time.
Adam Zielonko’s explanation of the difference between a static style guide and a design system. [33]
  • Show that having a design system has become a de facto industry standard. Show the numbers.
  • Give yourself several budget estimates to play with — what could you do if you had this much, that much? What would be the pros and cons? If that’s too abstract, think about specific design and dev roles and — how many people you might need?
  • Don’t forget to tie your alternatives back to the original strategic need of opportunity.

Show a high-level project plan

You need to show how your idea is going to be implemented, a very high-level project plan. You don’t need to have everything figured out, of course, but you shall be clear in the direction.

  • What would implementing a design system mean? What would the new team or allocation of the existing team members look like?
  • What would other departments need to do? (e.g. an IT department will need to implement and secure a new tool, etc.)
  • Are there any prerequisites that need to be done even before you start? By whom?
  • How long might this take? Is there a high-level timeline to follow? What are your milestones?
  • How would you propose rolling out? In phases? Big bang? Why? What should happen then? (E.g. training; including the design system in the onboarding process; etc.)
  • On the other hand, what processes and tools might be eliminated?

Set measurable goals

One thing is clear — if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it [attributed to Peter Drucker]. In our case — if you can’t measure it, you won’t be able to continuously show the value of your design system. To get ongoing funding, you need to show that a design system will help you reach business goals faster and at a lower cost.

Depending on what is important to your stakeholders and the design & dev community, select your objectives and key metrics. Start with the current state (benchmark) and then continuously measure across the same metrics to monitor the change. As the design system matures and gets more adopted in your products and teams, you should be seeing clear benefits in your ROI. Once that happens, don’t forget to communicate that with your peers and management.

Use a goal-setting framework that your business expects. As Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) have become a widely adopted way to set the direction and track progress, below are a few of my suggestions and also some examples found in the literature [5,30].

Objectives could include:

  • Accessibility is built into everything we do
  • Maximised adoption by products within a certain timeframe
  • Reduced development times and increased time to market
  • Reduced design time and increased time to market
  • Reduced technical debt and bugs
  • Reduced UX debt
  • Increased collaboration among teams
  • Increased speed of design and development handoff
  • Speed up and improve the quality of onboarding
  • Integrate the design system into our flagship products
  • Get a budget to fund a stable design system team

Key results could include:

  • Employee satisfaction score with the current way of working vs design system
  • Team happiness scores
  • Time to launch new product or design, develop and ship a new feature
  • Reported bugs
  • Reduced technical debt
  • Rework — how many things had to be reworked post-launch?
  • Brand equity
  • Brand perception
  • Design system adoption rate
  • Funding of the design system (e.g. capacity, allocation)
  • Productivity (e.g. sprint velocity)
  • Measure of user satisfaction and usability
  • NPS score
  • Product/Service adoption rate
  • Customer loyalty

As you’ve now introduced the recommended solution, the alternatives, the high-level plan, and your goals. Now, it’s time to show more detail.

3. Describe the business benefits of creating a design system

An illustration of a woman and devices with various screen sizes — illustrating responsivity.
Illustration vector created by stories — www.freepik.com

The benefits should not be vague (like increasing customer satisfaction) — get specific. The more you can showcase concrete benefits and quantify them, the better. However, getting to specific numbers might be a challenge. Directly or indirectly, a design system will change certain behaviours — ”those are the business consequences you can measure” [26].

Round numbers are okay at this stage. Nobody can expect you to have precise numbers, it may even be suspicious. Those numbers will more likely be educated guesses. If you truly cannot assign a price tag to a cost or an income estimate to a benefit, still mention it if it’s relevant.

Note: If you still need to be proving the value of UX in general, it’s better to be conservative with your benefit calculations and rather over-deliver than over-promise. [12]

Money-wise, there are two ways you can help your business:

  1. Increase revenue
  2. Cut costs (make savings).
  • Product costs — these are the direct expenses you need spend to create the product itself; this is where a design system can shine as it can make the product creation much more efficient
  • Overhead costs — these are all the expenses surrounding the product (e.g. marketing, accounting and legal fees, customer service, maintenance); a design system can free up your team to spend more time thinking about the bigger picture, crafting better user and customer journeys which may ultimately need less maintenance, less customer service and if people love it, less advertisement

With design systems, we are primarily looking at the cost-saving benefits. However, if the system helps you get to market faster or gives your team time to think more about the experience you’re designing as mentioned before, you might be also contributing to increasing the revenue.

I went through quite a few design systems books, talks, and articles [1,2,7,11,14–16,18,20,22,23,27–30,33,35,36,38,43–46], then created a mind map of the benefits the authors talked about and added extra ones from my own experience.

My goal was to create a comprehensive list that you can then go through and pick the relevant items for your specific context, challenges, and business goals. Many of the benefits below would fit in multiple categories, so please ‘mix and match’ 🌟

A gif in which a cook selects various ingredients.

Faster time to market → Seize the opportunity

Design systems lead to increased productivity which allows you to get your idea to market faster and in higher quality.

Key benefits of a design system:

  • Allows you to iterate faster, especially in high-fidelity, and test with users
    “Reduced cycle time allows improved experiences to make it into the product faster, increasing feedback and further iteration.”[30]
  • Helps you stay competitive as since you’re faster you can beat your competition to the market
  • Speeds up the initial MVP release (faster project start as you’re not starting from scratch)
  • Increases delivery frequency — faster builds through reusable components and shared rationale

Efficiency & productivity → Reduce cost of design and development

Reusability, clear standards, better communication, and much more make your teams much more efficient and productive, ultimately reducing the cost of both design and development.

Key benefits of a design system:

  • Saves time by reusing components and modules (savings from scaling, not having to recreate things from scratch)
    “Naturally, reusing an existing element, rather than building one from scratch, is quicker.” [13]
  • Saves time when building new components and modules with established design foundations
  • Saves time by having a shared design rationale; knowing why things have been designed in a certain way cuts a lot of discussions and arguments
  • Saves time by having a one shared source of truth. Designers don’t spend time searching through old design files to look for an asset they know exists; they don’t have to make micro-decisions around text style, placement, etc.This also allows the product managers to spend more time looking into the bigger picture and not to be spending time on micro-level interactions.
  • Supports easier transfer of knowledge (breaking down the knowledge barriers)
  • Saves time by easier and faster onboarding of new designers and developers
    This also allows them to deliver value to users faster, bringing additional business benefits [28]
  • Saves time of the current team members who don’t have to spend time onboarding new designers
  • Allows engineers to work more autonomously since assets are readily available [28]
  • Easier & less frustrating design-development handover. Saves time by designers not having to annotate their work (creating ‘redline designs’) when there are usually still many unanswered details which need clarification during implementation.
  • Saves time on Quality Assurance (QA) since components that make it to the code repo are already tested and approved both design and code quality-wise

Scalability & maintainability → Reduce cost of maintenance

Since design systems are dynamic and expandable (as opposed to static style guides) they allow products to grow while preserving your design language and quality standards. A standalone design system repository serves as a single source of truth. Because all usages point back to a canonical implementation, changes in one place propagate through the entire system.

“A bloated and inefficient system means that even the smallest changes are time-consuming and fiddly to make. […] By improving individual components, the whole system becomes more robust and easier to maintain.” [13]

Key benefits of a design system:

  • Saves time and effort on making product/platform-wide changes (faster the update the entire UI design, e.g. when rebranding)
  • Faster to update a component (e.g. because of some issue) and roll across all products (one source)
  • Aligns a lot of products, services and teams along the common purpose and shared quality standards
  • Makes it possible to scale both design and front-end areas in the future
  • Prevents design and technical debt from occurring or at least getting out of hand
  • Systemises design, as bespoke design is slow, inconsistent and increasingly difficult to maintain over time

Visual & interaction coherence → Improve brand equity & user experience

“Unifying a growing product or line of products under the same brand requires an effective design system.” [14]

A mature design system brings brand unity at scale. Especially if you’re working with multiple contractors or third parties, or your company is having multiple products on the market, a strong design system enables everyone to adhere to the design language. [30]

“A consistent visual representation helps people learn the interface quicker and reduce cognitive load by making things familiar and predictable. It helps to make an interface feel intuitive. […] Creating consistency is like making small promises throughout the interface. […] Consistency helps to build trust.” [14]

Key benefits of a design system:

  • Systematises interfaces leading to brand unity and consistency at scale
  • A shared design language, guidelines and assets supporting a consistent user experience
  • Strengthens brand image
  • Reduces learning-curve for users thanks to predictable and consistent interfaces. Inconsistencies in interaction and components cause cognitive strain on new users who can’t understand the logic of the UI [14,30].

Improved teamwork & collaboration → Increase employee retention

“A shared language is fundamental to collaboration, and that’s exactly what an effective design system provides. It gives people the tools and processes to create things together.” [14] Design systems facilitate an ongoing collaboration between design and development. Such a collaborative environment contributes to teams’ happiness and increases the chances of people staying longer in the company (retention).

Key benefits of a design system:

  • Facilitates the creation of a shared process and governance model
  • Helps to establish or strengthen a design community
  • Helps to break down design and development silos, and transform the ways of working
  • Improves the design & development collaboration
  • Reduces misunderstandings and frustration (for example, by avoiding ambiguity through thecreation of naming conventions and shared standards)

Improved talent acquisition → Reduce cost of hiring

Great designers and developers are being approached by hiring managers and agencies extremely often. They can be, therefore, much more selective about which offer to pursue. Your well-crafted public design system shows that you take your product development seriously and that you have a high level of design-development maturity.

Key benefits of a design system:

  • If open to the public, serves as a profile raiser for talent acquisition
  • By showing the high level of design practice, good designers are more attracted to work in an environment which openly values design and to work people who created it.

“We had written blog posts about the design system that garnered attention from the broader UX community, and we were seeing applicants citing it as a reason for applying.” [30]

More time for higher-impact work → Increase team happiness & user satisfaction

Designers and developers like solving complex problems which add value. By removing repetitive and low value-adding tasks, they will be happier and more passionate about their work → leading to better products → leading to increased user satisfaction.

Key benefits of a design system:

  • Removing the need to do things that don’t bring value (e.g. repetitive tasks)
  • Supporting creativity (less time spent pushing pixels, more time designing for great experiences)
  • More time for exploration, discovery, user research and thinking through complex flows [30]
  • All of the above leads to better design decisions
  • Removing ‘decision fatigue’ (focusing on decisions that actually matter) [47]
  • Less time wasted and increased productivity

Cleaner design, code, and fewer bugs → Increased quality & performance

With a proper design system, your UI building blocks are carefully crafted and tested. This manifests in fewer bugs and better performance of your service.

Key benefits of a design system:

  • Usability improvements as scale
  • Components are rigorously reviewed and tested (usability tests, QA, accessibility); only the team’s best work should make it to the library; a component only needs to be done once but it needs to be done properly
  • Tested components which are then reused reduce the number of bugs and save time on QA

Accessibility baked in → Extended market reach

Accessibility is often difficult to get prioritised. When starting a design system, you can make it a rule that all components must be accessible to the broadest range of your potential customers.

Key benefits of a design system:

  • First of all, accessible products are the right thing to do.
  • Business-wise: “The global market of people with disabilities is over 1 billion people with a spending power of more than $6 trillion. Accessibility often improves the online experience for all users.” [31]

Agile ready → Support agile transformation

In the waterfall development, it is extremely difficult and expensive to change course later in the development process. That’s why the modular approach of a design system is a key enabler for agile development.

Key benefits of a design system:

  • Since modular design systems allow for a quick assembly of an interface, change and experimentation are an embodied trait, therefore, they support well the agile way of working. [30]
  • Design systems facilitate ongoing collaboration between design and development necessary in agile development (as opposed to a style guide which is at one point handed over, i.e. supports the waterfall approach).

4. Estimate the project costs

An illustration of a woman, business charts and a piggy bank.
Business vector created by stories — www.freepik.com

Based on your high-level project plan, preview the major investments needed and other requirements implementing a design system. You will need to show this for all your potential scenarios (see chapter 2 above) — Sheen and Gallo recommend to start by calculating the idea you deem most viable and then using the same scheme for the alternatives, adjusting the values. There are several cost categories they recommend to consider. [26]

Project costs

This is the cost you’re considering to get you off the ground and deliver the project. You’d want to consider two types of project costs. If you’re not sure about this, ask a finance colleague to help you.

  1. Project expenditures
    Start with people you need, their salaries, the office space cost, equipment, licences they need, and travel costs + for how long.
  2. Capital expenditures
    Let’s say you need to buy a few new Macbooks for the project to be able to run it, this becomes an asset which must be depreciated (in accounting records, it decreases in value over its lifetime). This is a bit more complex — find your friend in finance/accounting again and ask them for help.

Operating costs

This is the cost which is required to maintain the system going forward. Similarly to the project expenditures, think staff salaries, equipment, licence fees, office space, etc. This is also a good place to show which operating costs would be lowered by your solution.

Transition costs

Sheen and Gallo highlight that the costs of transition get often overlooked. When will you switch to the new system? How will it work?

Sunk costs

If your project is already in progress, you’re giving your stakeholders an option to continue, pivot or stop. Sunk costs are the money you’ve already spent on the project. You don’t include them in your ROI estimate. You should, however, have a good overview of them, in case your decision-makers ask.

5. Outline Risks

An illustration of a woman and a big phone screen with alert exclamation marks on it.
Internet vector created by stories — www.freepik.com

Not everything might go according to your ideal plan. What are the main risks to the project? What concerns your stakeholders might have? What would happen if…?


  • scheduling (e.g. what happens if you’re over time)
  • personnel (e.g. what if you can’t find a qualified agency within your price range, or they don’t deliver on time)
  • technology (e.g. your selected tech solutions turns out to be not the right one)
  • quality (e.g. your suppliers are not delivering in the expected quality)
  • performance (e.g. your team’s speed is not as expected)
  • scope (e.g. you find out that your project’s scope is too large or not large enough)

Assess what the biggest threats and opportunities are. Pay attention to those with high likeliness and high impact:

A chart with impact and probability axes. Illustrating high-impact and high-probability risks to be prioritised.
Adapted from [26]

6. Estimate Return on Investment (ROI)

An illustration of a young man running up a bar chart of increasing values.
Business vector created by stories — www.freepik.com

ROI is a standard measure which companies take into consideration when deciding whether to pursue a project. Although it’s simplifying the bigger picture and for wise leaders this should not be the only measure they decide upon, it helps to make various business cases comparable.

ROI = Net Benefit / Total Cost

You want to show that your project has a positive ROI. Be careful, though. A static ROI only shows a snapshot in time. Companies are moving to more dynamic overviews — ideally, you’d show how the ROI develops over several years. Then you’ll know when you break even (the break-even point).

If you’re not sure about how to calculate ROI, find again your colleague in finance and just ask.

Anyway, getting to the ROI value can be a challenge, especially since many of the expected benefits will be educated guesses at this stage, or they may be pure assumptions. Luckily, other people have been in your place before and shared their insights. Here’s my collection of design-system-supporting stats, which you can consider using as a benchmark when calculating your expected ROI.

Design time saving: 34% faster on a design task

To see what an impact a design system would have, Figma’s [27] data scientist asked seven design colleagues to create one screen and a screen flow for a banking app. The designers were randomly assigned to two groups and had a design system at hand for one task, and old design reference files for the other. With the design system available, they completed their tasks 34% faster than without it. As an extra benefit, several participants reported feeling much more confident in the final result knowing that it was according to the up-to-date standards of the design system.

Design time saving: 31% faster with an 18% relative improvement in quality

In his rigorous article, Bryn Ray [23], describes how they went about calculating the prospective benefits of investing in a design system for one of his clients. By logging and categorising design activities of a sample of six design teams, they created a framework to evaluate what benefits a mature design system could bring. They found out that each team could deliver their work in 31% fewer person-hours and with an 18% relative improvement in quality.

The Lloyds Bank design system saves ~£190,000 per project

In her talk [46], the head of Design systems for the Lloyds Banking Group, Lily Dart, mentions three main drivers to develop their design system: consistency, quality, and cost. When it comes to cost, the Constellation design system saved ~£3.5mil between June and December 2018 across the projects which used it. More recently, Lily has reported an estimated £12.7mil in savings for the group in two years. [6]

Building a web page 10–20x faster

Tobias Ritterbach, the Experience owner at Sipgate, reported in the Design Systems book: “Having a pattern library for sipgate.de allows us to build pages 10–20 times faster than for other product sites which are not connected to the library.” [14]

The amount and frequency of CSS change significantly reduced

After spending a year and a half working on a Badoo design system Cosmo and getting a lot of positive feedback, Cristiano Rastelli [22], a Badoo UI engineer, wanted to quantify the direct impact the design system had on the company. Looking into the amount of changes in product CSS files and comparing them to the number of commits in the Cosmo repository, he found out that both the amount and the frequency of change was significantly reduced after introducing and expanding the design system, allowing designers and developers to have more time to increase the quality of the application. The charts below aren’t, unfortunately, accompanied by exact numbers but still, they can serve as a great example of the design system impact.

A bar chart showcasing how changes in CSS code declined when a design system got introduced.
Source: Cristiano Rastelli. 2019. Measuring the Impact of a Design System [22]

30% cash savings, 10–30% increase in conversions, 10–30% increase in loyalty

In order to sell the design system project to a global company’s CIO, CTO and CEO, Anja Klüver of Prospect, worked with the company’s UX centre of excellence, took real historic product data and showed the value the design thinking and design system could bring: 30% cash savings, 10–30% increase in conversions, and 10–30% increase in loyalty. They also projected savings of €2,620,277 on redesigning 10 web and 15 mobile applications (of approximately 1600 the client had at the time). [38]

More specifically, moving away from the legacy waterfall methodology and investing more in UX to be creating useful products which are more likely to succeed on the market in the first place, they showed that projects could get delivered 30% cheaper and 30% faster.

Two bar graphs illustrating the inefficiency of legacy digital development compared to design system digital development.
Source: Design as an Agent for Change: The Business Case for Design Systems by Anja Klüver [38]

Anja further reported the following figures:

  • Up to 50% time saving on common patterns and journeys
  • Up to 50% reduction in future managed costs (by launching better products the first time, using the design thinking and a design system)
  • Up to 25% increased product dev efficiency & efficacy
  • 2–3x faster to market
  • Up to 25% faster in building functional prototypes

Up to 100x lower cost of fixing a software error early

According to Pressman [21], as much as 45% software downtime is caused by defective code. Such defective code needs to be repaired leading to a loss of productivity. Software downtime further leads to missed business opportunities and sales, lost or corrupted data, high IT support and low customer satisfaction.

How much does it cost on average to fix errors? “ As expected, the relative costs to find and repair an error or defect increase dramatically as we go from prevention to detection to internal failure to external failure costs.” [21] In the Figure below, which was adapted by Pressmen from [4], the difference between fixing a defect (e.g. a usability issue) during the design phase vs post-launch phase is approximately 31x lower (!). Boehm and Basili [2] of the Universities of Southern California, and of Maryland state that “finding and fixing a software problem after delivery is often 100 times more expensive than finding and fixing it during the requirements and design phase”. IBM Design also used this figure as a rule of thumb: “Every dollar invested in ease of use returns $10 to $100.” [13]

A line graph showcasing the increasing price of changes on a product, the closer it is to launch + after launch.
Relative cost of correcting errors and defects; Source: Roger S. Pressman and Bruce R. Maxim. 2015. Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach. McGraw-Hill Education. [21]

Conclusion 🏁

A design system is a long-term investment. That’s why it’s crucial to have the right arguments when you are on the mission to convince your business. You’ll need their support not for a month, but ideally ongoingly. That’s a lot to ask. It should get gradually easier as you shall be seeing the value of your design system increase over time. Hopefully, this article will help you at least a little bit to put together a convincing and exciting business story which will lead to a resounding ‘yes’.

Acknowledgements 💛

Many thanks to:

Angela Arnold for reading through the article before publishing. Your suggestions on how to improve it were super valuable!

Bárbara Rebolledo Bustamante for introducing me to Liquid Expectations and for recommending the Design Systems book.

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Published in UX Collective

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Written by Matěj Káninský

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