Anti-racist reading list for designers
Updated 10/6/20:
As designers, we preach empathy, inclusion, and accessibility, yet like most of tech, the industry is 71% White. Knowing it is impossible to be unbiased, how are we supposed to be user-centric when the overwhelming majority of our colleagues look the same?
My aim for this list is to begin a dialogue challenging our own privilege, biases, and assumptions as designers. I’ve seen a lot of great reading lists lately, but none geared towards designers. I don’t pretend to have answers and know this is just a single step. These resources have been crowd-sourced by designers across the country. Please reach out if you see something harmful, incorrect, or want to contribute.
There is a responsibility that comes with designing in the digital age, and it is vital we address the role that White privilege plays within our industry. We cannot stay silent.
- Design Justice by Sasha Costanza-Chock. An exploration of how design might be led by marginalized communities and dismantle structural inequality.
- Race After Technology by Ruha Benjamin. A cut through tech-industry hype to understand how emerging technologies can reinforce White supremacy and deepen social inequity.
- Technically Wrong by Sara Wachter-Boettcher. A revealing look at how tech industry bias and blind spots get baked into digital products — and harm us all.
- Cross Cultural Design by Senongo Akpem. A List Apart book exploring how to create culturally relevant and responsible experiences that reach a truly global audience.
- Field Guide: Equity Centered Community Design by Creative Reaction Lab. A problem solving process based on equity, humility-building, addressing power dynamics, and co-creating.
- Teaching to Transgress by bell hooks. A book rethinking the role of the classroom to create a new kind of education as the practice of freedom and resistance.
- My manifesto towards changing the conversation around race, equity, and bias in design by Lesley Ann Noel on Medium
- Black Lives Matter is Not a Design Challenge by Schessa Garbutt on Medium
- The Design Community Must Not Stay Silent by Harrison Wheeler on Medium and UX Collective
- Black Centered Design is the Future of Business by Woodrow Winchester III on Fast Company
- How to Begin Designing for Diversity by Project Inkblot on The Creative Independent
- Design Thinking is a Rebrand for White Supremacy by Darin Buzon on Medium
- What Not To Say To Your Black Colleagues Right Now by Monica Torres in Huff Post
- Design Thinking Is Fundamentally Conservative and Preserves the Status Quo by Natasha Iskander in Harvard Business Review
- Black Lives Matter: How the Tech Community Can Provide Support by Jennifer Riggins in The New Stack
- Of course technology perpetuates racism. It was designed that way. by Charlton McIlwain in MIT Technology Review
- Typography as A Radical Act by Silas Munro in AIGA’s Eye on Design
- What Does It Mean to Decolonize Design? by Anoushka Khandwala in AIGA’s Eye on Design
- Black Designers: Missing in Action by Cheryl D. Miller in Print Mag
- Black Designers: Still Missing in Action by Cheryl D. Holmes-Miller in Print Mag
- Black Designers: Forward in Action: Part I by Cheryl D. Holmes-Miller in Print Mag
- Black Designers: Forward in Action: Part II by Cheryl D. Holmes-Miller in Print Mag
- Speech recognition technology is racist by Thomas Macaulay in The Next Web
- What is Blind Hiring? by Kate Glazebrook on Applied
- 6/18 Black in UX Panel by Twitter Design(View Recording)
- 6/27: Where Are The Black Designers (View Recording)
- 7/23–7/25: Allied Media Conference
- 8/11: How Traditional Design Thinking Protects White Supremacy by Creative Reaction Lab.
- 10/2: Restorative Design Conference by Greater Good Studio
Additional Resources
- A Designer’s Critical Alphabet by Lesley-Ann Noel
- Decentering Whiteness in Design History by Victoria Rose Pass, et all
- The Inclusion & Diversity Compendium for Designers by Marissa Louie
- Anti-Racism Design Resources
- Design Guild for Justice
- Design as Protest Listserv
- Blacks who Design
- Allied Media Project
- Design Justice for Black Lives