AR Superpowers
An intuitive design framework for generating Augmented Reality ideas.

One of the best ways to think about any new technology is to map out what it empowers users to do that they previously couldn’t. For example, with AR, we can now take almost any 3D product and see it positioned in reality. This is cool, but it’s also not enough.
AR has a challenging road ahead of it, headsets are still too bulky, and the capabilities of mobile AR are still too limited. For AR to succeed, the ideas can’t just be good they need to be 10x better than the non-AR alternative. We can’t afford to just empower our users we need to super-empower them.
This framework is my contribution to your ideation process. I introduce six categories that (I believe) all AR experiences can be mapped to. These categories can then be used as an aid when designing AR experiences.

Holographic projection is the ability for the user to project an idea into reality as a hologram. The user can then manipulate this hologram and use it as a tool for exploration or a prop for more immersive storytelling. Advanced users of this power can even share their projections with other users and have them continue to exist across time.
One of the most useful aspects of VR/AR is the ability to visualise content in three dimensions, manipulating it with gestures and using our own position in the real world to control the viewing angle. Where AR visualisation surpasses VR is in its ability to show how content fits into the real world. A prime example of this are the furniture apps that allows users to see how a particular piece of furniture fits into their home.
This is particularly powerful when combined with storytelling, using holograms to enhance or emphasise certain aspects of a narrative. For example, the New York Times used AR to show the size of cave openings and help readers grasp the challenge rescuers faced when trying to reach the children trapped in the Thai cave.
Remember that holograms are not real, so they don’t need to abide by the limitations of reality. Consider how a hologram might explode into its composite parts to allow greater examination, or demonstrate aspects we couldn’t usually perceive. For example, when placing a virtual speaker in the real world, we could also visualise the sound coverage that it would provide.
In summary, use Holographic projection to explore and share ideas in context, whilst exceeding the limitations of the real world.

Dimensional Vision is the ability for the user to see into the other dimensions that surround them. Advanced users of this ability can even see the past, the future and alternate realities.
Going beyond projecting individual objects into the real-world, AR can be used to create larger additional layers over the real-world, from populating our streets with pocket-sized monsters to looking into the past and seeing ruins restored.
These dimensions can exist as partial overlays on the world, such as adding virtual signage, or they can exist in pockets that the user accesses by stepping through portals, which become mini VR like experiences.
Whilst our instinct is to add to reality, we should also explore how we can subtract from it. For example, in the future, we might use AR to see the world without litter or graffiti; or we might remove others from our vision to really make that beach feel secluded.
In summary, use Dimensional Vision to change the way we see the world around us, adding, removing or replacing as you see fit.

A user of Hyper Competence is able to instantly make sense of new things and effortlessly perform new skills, with holographic visions guiding them along.
One of the reasons we expect AR to take off quicker than VR is the immediate utility it is able to provide. Our AR devices allow us to gauge the length of a surface by looking at it, map the dimensions of an entire room, repair a rocket engine and perhaps one day even perform brain surgery.
Using AR we can superimpose step-by-step guides and instructions on to a task. Even replacing real objects with digital twins, that can visualise invisible features of the real object or wrap it in live data from its sensors.
In summary, Hyper Competence will move us far beyond the instructional manual or YouTube How-to video, to the point where what we need to know is known to us at the exact point we need to know it.

Shapeshifters have the ability to change their appearance at will. Altering their features or completely morphing into different beings.
Humans have long desired the ability to change their physical form and now AR is enabling this, from the funny face filters we apply on Facebook or Snap to changing rooms that allow us to try on makeup and clothes without physically touching them.
Shapeshifting allows users to visualise how a product might change them, both realistically like in the case of adding makeup or fantastically by becoming someone or something else like our favourite Animoji.
In summary, use Shapeshifting to show a user who they could be, or as a means of creating rapport by creating super-personalised experiences.

Teleportation is the ability for the user to transport themselves to another location in space or teleport another to their location and time.
The holographic call is a staple of futuristic sci-fi visions, and AR is making it a reality. By recording a person as a volumetric video (in 3 dimensions), they can be transformed into a hologram. This hologram can then be projected and replayed at a viewer’s location.
Imagine analysing the movements of an athlete in motion, having a barista show you how to use that new coffee machine or just hanging out with friends from across the world.
Whilst currently these are likely pre-recorded videos, in the future, we’ll find ways to simultaneously capture, transfer and project individuals in real-time.
Teleportation is not just limited to people, objects can also be captured and transferred across space, from priceless collections in museums to your faulty appliance that’s too big to carry to the store.
In summary, use Teleportation to bring users closer to the people and things that they care about, in ways that might otherwise be impossible.

A rare power with incredible potential. A Telekinetic can control real-world objects without direct physical interaction. They may visualise controls or simply use gestures to convey their intent.
One of the interesting and as of yet relatively untapped areas of AR is its use as a control system for iOT and other connected devices. Holographic control systems could be added to any connected device, allowing the user to have personalised three-dimensional interfaces. These might be traditional such as a dashboard of knobs and switches to control a drone, or it might be something more creative like seeing your 3D avatar in different moods and outfits, and then selecting one to change the temperature, lighting and music in your home.
If Telekinesis becomes the standard way of controlling devices, then we could also simplify or completely remove the physical interfaces of many devices. Imagine your microwave having no buttons unless you look at it in AR, and even then you might select from holograms of different dishes to pick the perfect settings.
In summary, use Telekinesis to create novel interfaces and control system for connected devices.
Applying your Superpowers
We live in exciting times, and are increasingly seeing more applications of these superpowers. But as the platitude goes, “with great power comes great responsibility” so when you think about applying these powers be sure to do it from a user-centric perspective. To help you do that, I created the AR Superpowers Customer Journey Map.

On paper or a whiteboard create a table. Along the horizontal axis add the six superpowers, and on the vertical axis add the steps in your user journey — these will vary across organisations and teams, but we’ve given you some examples in the sample above.
At each intersection consider how that particular superpower can be applied to that step in the user’s journey. To illustrate…
- holographic projection at the consideration stage might allow the user to see exactly how a product fits into their home before purchase.
- Shapeshifting at the onboarding stage might allow the user's facial gestures to demonstrate their satisfaction, confusion or frustration and have the product adapt accordingly.
- Telekinesis when using a product might allow the user to design their own personalised spatial interfaces for their use.
Remember that at this stage in the creative process, you shouldn’t get bogged down by making your focus too realistic.
Multiplying Powers
You’ve likely noticed that there is some overlap between powers and some complement between others. Use this to your advantage to come up with even more impactful ideas. As another exercise, try selecting two or three powers and one component of your user’s journey, then devise ideas around the crossover. For example, how might Hyper Competence and Teleportation be applied to customer support?
Moving Forward
This is just the beginning. The technology is rapidly advancing, and so whilst some of the ideas you come up with today might not be easily achievable, it won’t be long before they are. Plus, they may still help to spark ideas that you can start today.
I’ve introduced you to six superpowers today, but in the future, these powers will evolve and possibly some new powers may even emerge. Until then, keep experimenting and remember that…
“There is a superhero in all of us, we just need the courage to put on the cape.” — Superman