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The age of Agile must end

Michael Burnett
UX Collective
Published in
8 min readFeb 12, 2023

Changing of the Guard ceremony outside Buckingham Palace, London.
Changing of the guards. Photo by Micah Kunkle on Unsplash

Flaw #1: Humans are not machinery.

Flaw #2: Design is not inventory.

Flaw #3: Product can’t be defined by what can be accomplished by an arbitrary number of people of arbitrary skill and experience in a two-week sprint.

From the Beginning

Partially constructed cars on an assembly line.
Cars produced on an assembly line. Photo by carlos aranda on Unsplash

The Waterfall Scapegoat

A circular diagram of Agile methodology and a linear diagram of Waterfall methodology with the same steps included: Plan, Design, Develop, Test, Deploy, Review.
Agile falsely assumes that the feature will get revised. Waterfall falsely assumes the product won’t be revised. Image adapted from Asana.

The 30-Year-Old Error

A rugby match with players rushing across the field.
Rugby scrum. Photo by Chino Rocha on Unsplash

The [Fr]Agile Manifesto

Just stop.

Written by Michael Burnett

Author, founder, and angel investor. I believe your greatest life is the life you make for yourself. Connect with me on LinkedIn.com/in/dtls.

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