Can artificial intelligence help save democracy?

As we slowly move towards an AI-powered future, we are defining the boundaries of AI and designing who controls that power.

Jasper Kense
UX Collective
Published in
8 min readNov 4, 2022


Protesters for a second referendum in the hope of overturning the 2016 Brexit referendum result
Protesters for a second referendum in the hope of overturning the 2016 Brexit referendum result. Dan Kitwood — Getty Images

New developments in AI are hitting us almost monthly, creating a perfect breeding ground for ‘real thinking’ machines. But to get there, we are facing a massive political challenge: Who will have the power of this AI at their disposal?

Artificial intelligence requires two factors to work: Big data and computational power. Big data is needed as input for an AI algorithm and computation for training that algorithm. Without one of these, no algorithm would work. What is peculiar about these factors is the one who controls them.

You need an incredible amount of computational power today to create advanced AI systems and break state of the art. And the only players that have that amount of computational power now are the large tech companies and maybe the top-tier research universities. And even top-tier research universities can barely compete with large tech companies anymore. The Google, Amazon, and Microsoft of the world control our computational abilities.

Big tech is liberalizing artificial intelligence — but might not in the future



UX Designer and 3d enthusiast talking about AI and the implications on creativity — Creator of UX transcription tool