Curb-cut effect in practice

Market penetration begins with addressing specific user groups.

Takuma Kakehi
UX Collective
Published in
8 min readMay 5, 2024


The “Curb-Cut Effect” refers to designs initially intended to assist a specific group but end up benefiting a broader range of people. (Image source: Sketchplanations)
The “Curb-Cut Effect” refers to designs initially intended to assist a specific group but end up benefiting a broader range of people. (Image source: Sketchplanations)

In the early 1970s, wheelchair users, Michael Pachovas and his friends, poured cement to create makeshift ramps at curbs in Berkeley, California. They simply wanted people to know getting on a curb from a street crossing is not easy for wheelchair users. Their actions, aimed at enhancing mobility for the…



An experienced product owner and interaction designer with a decade of versatile industry experience.