Data visualization hacks
Good data visualization is all about conveying information clearly, efficiently, and without distraction. Here are some tips to help you do just that.
Avoid using bright colors
Bright colors can have the same effect as USING ALL CAPS. Your audience feels like you’re screaming at them. And when someone is screaming at you, it’s usually hard to focus on what they are saying. Duller colors, like those found in nature, work well for data visualization because they allow your audience to comprehend your data without being overwhelmed by it.
You can use brighter colors when you want to emphasize data, like how your company lines up with competition, or you can just use a darker hue of your existing color palette.

Avoid pie charts
Despite their popularity, pie charts are not an effective way to visualize data. Why? Because it’s hard for your brain to determine the relative size of each piece of pie (a topic covered at length by Stephen Few). Try using a bar graph instead. It makes it easier for your audience to understand and compare the relative size of data.
Pro tip: Sort your data in descending or ascending order to make comparing data even easier.

Hide or mute things that are not data
As Edward Tufte, the “Leonardo da Vinci of data,” explains,
Every bit of ink on a graphic requires a reason. And nearly always that reason should be that the ink presents new information.
He calls this achieving a high “data-ink ratio.” Take a note from Tufte and minimize or remove anything that is not essential. This includes softening or removing graph lines, muting the color of axis lines, graph lines, and delineate spreadsheet rows with light gray. Your audience will thank you.
Pro tip: If anyone comments on your non-flashy graphs, just tell them that you’re optimizing the data-ink ratio.

Use simple, legible fonts
There are times when typography can elevate a visual, adding additional emotion and insight. This is not one of them. Stick with simple, sans-serif fonts (often the default in programs like Excel). Sans-serif simply means “without serifs.” Serifs are those small little feet at the bottom of fonts.

Use a font with tabular figures
Tabular spacing gives all numbers the same width so they line up underneath each other, making comparison easier. Most popular fonts have tabular figures built in. Not sure if your font does? See if your decimal points (or any number) line up when on top of each other.

Use the appropriate level of detail with numbers
The more detail (and digits) you add, the longer it takes your brain to process. So think about what you’re trying to convey with your data and what the most effective way to do that is.

Stick to the basics
A good rule of thumb to follow is, if you can’t understand it, you’re audience probably can’t either. So stick to the basics: histograms, bar graphs, Venn diagrams, scatter plots, and line charts.