Designing with data — and more UX links this week

A weekly selection of UX links, brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective.

Fabricio Teixeira
UX Collective
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2018


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Designing with data ›

For many tech companies, design and data are intertwined. Companies work amid a constant stream of data detecting the impact of every minute change, and rely on teams of analysts, data scientists or engineers to continuously monitoring hundreds of metrics and multiple iterations.

While design instincts are still valuable, data and analytics can help you hone your product understanding and ensure your decisions satisfy stakeholders. Here’s some things to keep in mind as a UX designers working with data. By Joanna Ngai.

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Cinematography in user experience design ›
How to use movie techniques for your online experiences so people can understand your message better.

The 6 types of product teams you’ll be working in ›
First thing to consider when taking on a new job is their vision — the company’s long-term mission. By Ariel Verber.

Thinking in triplicate ›
The propensity to fold all interactive digital design under the heading of UXD rests on three convenient lies. By Erika Hall.

Why bad technology dominates our lives, according to Don Norman ›
We have unwittingly accepted the paradigm that technology comes first, with people relegated to doing the actions that the machines cannot do.

From the community

Stories by Frank Van De Ven, Jonathan Kurten, Shrut Kirti, Dennis Xing, Jess Eddy, Roniece Ricardo, Vidhya Sriram, Aiswarya Kolisetty, Nikhil Yadav.

News & ideas

Tools & resources

A year ago…

What is the real role of a design portfolio website? ›
Should design portfolios be straightforward and focused on the work, or should they be a piece of art that showcases the designer’s capabilities and vision? And why are we thinking about portfolios in such a binary way?

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