Does that “Rate us” popup really work?

I’ve done this a million times. I always click “later” instead of rating the app to get rid of that popup forever.
Nowadays we would either be busy to rate an app or lazy to do it. Then how to make someone rate your app?
Ask in the right way
Most of the time when an app asks for rating the title is like “Rate us” or “Love the app? > Rate us”. I don’t think this is the right way to ask for something. When asking the user for rating try to make them feel generous.

These kinds of titles will make the user feel that they are helping someone and increases the chance of getting a rating.
Ask the right people

There might be thousands of people who have downloaded your app. But, it doesn’t mean that they all are your users. Consider a scenario where someone downloaded your app a long time ago and visiting back to check what this app is. And they are trying to figure out what to do with the app. Now asking them to rate the app will not only lead to a bad experience. It may also lower your app’s rating. We should target someone who is using your app frequently and getting benefitted because of your app.
Ask at the right time

It’s great to ask people for rating when they are super satisfied with your app. The chance of getting one is always higher. But, can we assume that the user has enough time to rate your app at that particular time? Definitely no. So, we should target a moment in which the user is both satisfied and free.
Provide people with some benefits

It may seem like bribing, In some ways, it is ;-) But it is an efficient gamification technique. You may be noticed that in many games, this technique is used to run ads by giving you things like an extra life, bonus points, etc., It doesn’t make the user feel like they are used. It makes them feel like they traded something. In this context, it is their time. So, it doesn’t gonna affect their experience. In contrast, it is going to increase. Cause, you have given them something valuable.
Try in-app suggestion
Last but not least. Before making your user rate your app, make sure that they are having a good experience with the app. Because people are more than ready to give a lower rating to the app they don’t like than rating the app they love. So, try some in-app suggestions that don’t take too much time and also helps you to rectify the problem before it affects your ratings.

Providing them with this kind of option will increase a chance to know your user than lowering your rating in the app store.
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