UX Collective

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Don’t take design critique as an insult

Fabricio Teixeira
UX Collective
Published in
5 min readJan 23, 2018

Identifying good vs. bad feedback

Discussing the feedback you received

Acting on what you heard

This article is part of journey: stories about the amazing ride of being a designer.

Responses (23)

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I’ve been listening for a while now for Brian Koppelman’s podcast “The Moment” where he talks to people of different professions, including screenwriters. These guys, when work on a new scenario, just like designers, show their work to other people…


Often critiques are subjective — just people’s opinions, with nothing to back it up except other opinions. Suggesting A/B testing is pretty hard to argue with. Often times what the client (or team) thinks is best is not, in fact, what performs best.


Excellent written.
Agree to say —
1-defend the design to the tactful limit.
2-Admit your fault, don’t fight unnecessarily, in doubt google the problem in different criteria.
3- Add new users or peers to best UX experience.
4- design can never perfect. so, keep on improving as much possible....
