Member-only story
I don’t know who needs to hear this but: update your portfolio
No tips or tricks, just the plan for getting the hard work done. No recipes or milestones or new habits. Just the simple cold truth that you need to get 👏 it 👏 done 👏. At the end of the article is the list you can copy to jump start your portfolio update.
I know you are cringing. I am too. It’s time for me as well. Here is our action plan to get our portfolio updated.
You know how it goes from a fleeting thought (I should update it) to some actual intent (I’m going to get it updated soon) to procrastination (is my website ok? Shouldn’t I do this on behance/dribble/some other new thing. Oh shit, there might be a new thing I need to research). If you make it that far then the existential dread of how long it took last time and how you promised yourself you’d keep it updated and you didn’t and… OH! Instagram!. And you are off, scrolling for “inspiration” again. You did it just to avoid that feeling of fear + dread + boredom.
Ok cool, but we’re doing this. Now. Together.