Imagine your landing page is a person
So, you plan to introduce your new product to the world? And you want to win many loyal customers?

Imagine walking down the street and introducing your product to people as your landing page would do. Would you listen if it wasn’t clear from the start what’s in there for you? How would you feel if someone asked you after each sentence if you want to buy something? Would you stay at all if the conversation is bad?
When designing landing pages, it helps to imagine a successful conversation.
So in order to know how to design a great landing page you basically need to know how to have successful conversations and build powerful relationships.
Let’s see what some of the best conversation and relationship building experts say.
Here are three general findings from “How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less” by Nicholas Boothman:
- Display an open body language
Exposing your heart and body, signals that you are not only willing to communicate, but enthusiastic about it. - Have a useful attitude
Be open and focus on what you want out of the conversation instead of staying passive. - Be consistent in your communication
Being consistent and honest in what you’re saying, demonstrates your integrity and makes you a reliable person.
And here are a bunch of useful rules from “Power Relationships” by Andrew Sobel and Jerold Panas:
- Focus on quality over quantity
Make sure not to have as much relations as possible but more on having fewer but very good relations. - Give people your confidence and unwavering belief
Taking your customers for a fool can poison your relationship right at the beginning. - Acts of kindness and selflessness often create the most powerful bonds
Being generous in the first place might come back around. - To earn trust, you also have to give it
Without trust, relationships are doomed to fail. - You don’t need to have all the right answers, it can often look better to have the right questions
All of your competitors will gave more or less the same answers but showing real interest will make the difference. - Keep people curious and intrigued but don’t forget to be enthusiastic and vulnerable too from time to time
Give your potential customers the information they need, rather than telling them everything you know. - People tend to trust someone they already know
It’s easier to get to know someone if you are introduced by a shared friend, someone who knows both you and the other person.
But how can you transfer these best practices to your landing page?
Here are 10 useful takeaways with examples from around the web:
1. Display an open body language
Be as accessible as possible and don’t hide anything. Show face, show your contact details, show your company, show that you would love to get in touch.

2. Have a useful attitude
Make sure to communicate your value proposition at first glance and with as less words as possible and make sure to have a great engaging Call-To-Action at the beginning and end of your landing page. Specify in very clear words what your potential customer should do.

3. Be consistent in your communication
Be authentic and keep looking like you always look. Use the same words for the same things and be honest.

4. Focus on quality over quantity
If you address everyone, your products standpoint will be weakened. Better find a niche and make it clear to whom your product is aimed and let people know.

5. Give people your confidence and unwavering belief
Taking your customers for a fool can poison your relationship right at the beginning. Be informative and human, don’t speak marketing blah.

6. Acts of kindness and selflessness often create the most powerful bonds
Offer additional content to your topic so that your visitors benefit, even if they don’t go with your offer. They might suggest you to someone else.

7. To earn trust, you also have to give it
Offering subscriptions that are terminable on demand or can be tried for free demonstrates trust in your new customers and proves confidence in your own product.

8. You don’t need to have all the right answers, it can often look better to have the right questions
Ask questions that the user can relate to and will make him think instead of just presenting answers to their assumed problems. And do surveys to find out how you can bring the most benefit to your user.

9. Keep people curious and intrigued but don’t forget to be enthusiastic and vulnerable too from time to time
Only pick the best 3 to 5 features and explain them shortly. If more information is needed or you have a lot of features to explain, use subpages to go more into detail. Showing features that you don’t have yet but that you plan to do in the future makes you vulnerable, but shows your enthusiasm.

10. People tend to trust someone they already know or are similar to
Having customers like Airbnb, Nasa or Ebay naturally brings you the highest possible credibility. If you just start your business, give out your product for free and make your first testers your testimonials.

Extra hint: Be human, rather than mechanical

When practicing good conversation in your landing page and following the rules of a successful relationship building, you are about to win a very loyal customer base.