Journeying with a different kind of map in 2024

Harry Beck revolutionised maps in 1931; now, in 2024, let’s challenge the status quo of journey maps.

Darren Yeo
UX Collective
Published in
9 min readDec 30, 2023


The Epic Journey Map and respective Experience Blueprint shows the relationship between epics and user stories along a journey of user actions. Using cards and connectors create an organised view of how the customer achieve their goals and how the impacted part of the business caters for the experience (Image source: Yeo)
The Epic Journey Map and respective Experience Blueprint shows the relationship between epics and user stories along a journey of user actions. Using cards and connectors create an organised view of how the customer achieve their goals and how the impacted part of the business caters for the experience (Image source: Yeo)

Part 1: Beck Revolutionises the Tube Map in 1931

The year is 1931 in London. An unassuming engineering draughtsman by the name of Harry Beck started his…



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