The best Medium publications from design teams to follow

Over the last two or three years, design teams from different types of companies have started to turn to Medium to share their thoughts and ideas – from startups, to mature tech companies, to design firms and consultancies, to advertising agencies.
I’ve been a big fan of Medium since its early days. The simplicity of the platform combined with the thorough curation mechanism that it allows for have always grabbed my attention. Over the last years, Medium has become one of my favorite places on the web – especially when I’m looking for content related to design and user experience. No surprise that a few months ago I decided to migrate all the content on to Medium as well.
If you’re like me and is interested in what design companies have to say about their craft and their teams, you might enjoy the list below: an aggregation of my favorite Medium publications from design teams all over the world, from all types of companies, of all sizes.
Hope you enjoy!
IDEO Stories
IDEO Stories
“It doesn’t occur to most people that everything is designed” — Bill Moggridge
Frog Design
R/GA By Design
SAP Design
Facebook Design
Google Design
AirBNB Design
Lyft Design
Uber Design
Adaptive Path
Adobe Photoshop
Sketch App
Shyp Design
Big Spaceship
Instacart Design
Shopify UX
Designing Atlassian
InVision App
Dropbox Makers
Leo Burnett
Mozilla Brand
General Assembly
Barbarian Group
Salesforce UX
Design Publications not on Medium
Airbnb Design
Huge Ideas
Made by Many Blog
IBM Design

If you have any suggestions, please comment below.
And if you like the list, please share the love ❤