The interaction between humans and devices
Thermomix/Bimby and Spotify. What do they have in common?
And a lot’s of other things and sentences by Donald A. Norman.

The methodology used is based on the investigation of the three-level study of Donald A. Norman’s design and emotional response.
Three Levels of Design
- Aesthetic Dimension: Visceral Design
- Functional Dimension: Behavioral Design
- Symbolic Dimension: Reflective Design
It’s projected that the relationship between the object under study and the user himself will demonstrate a connection that meets the user’s needs and fulfills the objective of the design at the aesthetic and functional level.
UX & Interaction Paradigms
I decided to address the Spotify software application’s aesthetic, functional, and symbolic dimensions and the Thermomix or Bimby (in Portugal) hardware.
The cultural dimension distinguishes the human from the non-human animal. We are a unique species that has lived on planet Earth for thousands of years. Each individual is also a unique being that differs from others by its own aesthetic, functional, and symbolic dimension, like the objects that surround us. They mark our image as we establish a relationship with others.
Donald A. Norman presents two perspectives on the devices used daily: of the designer's perspective and the user perspective.
The product designer works to consider all specifications of the object. The image, the cost, the time of manufacture, and even trying to introduce emotions for the aesthetics of the product to the user, without ever being sure if the intentionality for which it was created is fulfilled since different users can have different experiences use the product.
In addition to the design of an object, there is a personal side, which no designer or producer can provide. The emotional side of human beings varies from person to person, from gender to gender and even from age to age.
We take pride in the objects, not necessarily because we show off our wealth or status, but because of the meaning they bring to our lives. (Norman, 2003)
We all create emotional bonds with a particular object. Its monetary aspect is less valuable to us than its real market value.
For example, a photograph may mean more to an individual than a Mercedes A-Class. That photograph may bring back memories that a vehicle will be unable to do. According to Norman, the functionality, aesthetics, and symbolism attributed to a given object correspond to three different dimensions present in any design. There is a secure connection between emotions and knowledge.
Emotions are inseparable from and a necessary part of cognition. (Norman, 2003).
From a single event, our body may be able to trigger a series of motor responses. Taking into account, for example, a polygraph test. Without preparation on the part of the individual subject to the test, a simple question can elicit mixed reactions and emotions such as (de) acceleration of the heart rate, nervousness, joy, anger, and/or empathy. We have the feeling, the way the mind will try to interpret these beats, these emotions. Emotion and feelings articulate with each other. They are inseparable.
The insatiable struggle for user loyalty is a common practice in the technological world that characterizes today. Music streaming services have changed the way we access the first art. Spotify has remained at the top recently, having already surpassed services such as Apple Music and SoundCloud.
The Thermomix food robot was developed in Germany. It emerged in the 60s, from the executive director of Vorwerk, in France. The thick soups were loved at the time. So, it was designed a machine capable of mixing and cooking simultaneously, the Thermomix. It traveled in the hands of about 120 engineers to evolve and perfect its physical device.
Getting into the Three Levels of Design
Aesthetic Dimension: Visceral Design
The visceral reaction is purely aesthetic, it is the first impression we have of the product/object. Refer to the initial response. When Apple Computer introduced the first color iMac, sales soared, despite containing the same information as other Apple machines had. In the aesthetic dimension, form counts, appearance, the possibility of creating a desire for the object, the desire to have it. All of this results in the spontaneity and intensity of the first reactions.
These reactions are produced by biologically-based, pattern recognition mechanisms driven solely by the here-and-now of perceivable features. (Norman, 2003).

It is a form of dance, an exchange of views between the instrument and the potential user. As Norman explains in his book “Emotional Design”:
Sensuality and sexuality play roles.
This is a significant role of point of presence displays in stores, in brochures. These may be a store’s only chance of getting a customer. (Norman, 2003)
It is the first contact between the desired object and its consumer. The sales opportunity is there, well marked.
Spotify changed the way we listen to music by optimizing all other software’s functionality and making it the most accessible. Concerning its design, this is quite attractive and uniform across the platform. Spotify allows you to access a weekly playlist through its database. A playlist with more than 2 hours of music is created in a personalized way for each user of this service.
This particularization is very much appreciated by the user. For instance, it allows you to select a playlist according to your mood at that moment. It also operates based on the latest songs heard in the application and can effectively suggest other songs from different bands according to the lists we listened to.
Growing steadily, Spotify showed an evolution of 10 million new users from year to year. (data from 2017)
Music plays a unique role in our emotional lives. The responses to rhythm and rhyme, melody, and tune are so fundamental, so constant across all societies and cultures that they must be a part of our evolutionary heritage, with many responses prewired at the visceral level. (Norman, 2003).
When we hear a song, our whole brain is involved. In a single stanza, your lyrics and melody working together, with each other, can convey various feelings and emotions — fear, joy, excitement, anxiety, ecstasy, among others.
With a minimalist design, using social media interaction to share what we hear and thus initiate a connection between users and arouse the interest of new ones, the application is the target of preference in this world of streaming music.
The service is currently integrated with the Facebook social network, allowing its users to share what they hear with friends. In an era of likeability, the interaction between users and their respective friends becomes a strong point of the company.
Music impacts all three levels of processing. (Norman, 2003).
The initial feeling of pleasure in the rhythm, in the tone of the music, is visceral. The taste and fun caused by the sound are symbolic. Reflection is present when we decide to repeat the song or even invert it.

Thermomix excels for its versatility. All the tasks we perform in the kitchen can be performed on that apparently simple machine. This makes it possible to transport our kitchen anywhere. It has an intuitive touch screen and simple touch. Its latest version provides recipes on a small pen that connects to the device that allows the user to view and navigate directly on the screen and explain, sequentially, the steps to follow when making a particular meal.
As a primary mission, Vorwerk sends the message that cooking is just a touch away. It is a multifaceted food robot that will fall in love with any kitchen aficionado around the world. Donald A. Norman says that:
I believe that we should welcome machines that eliminate the dreary tedium of many jobs. (Norman, 2003).
Thermomix introduces the taste for cooking to the more and/or less optimistic about the art of cooking. A system that creates consumer desire. The possibility of creating a dish in a few minutes with the least possible work.
Functional Dimension: Behavioural Design
This second phase is related to User Experience:
Behavioral design is all about use. Appearance doesn’t really matter. The rationale doesn’t matter. Performance does. (Norman, 2003).
Right after the spontaneous and immediate knowledge phase, this step relates behaviors and skills acquired by learning to use the application and/or hardware. When verifying the usability of an application or a physical object, we must consider the factors of effectiveness and the satisfaction that results from its use.
There are two kinds of product development: enhancement and innovation. Improvement means to take some existing product or service and make it better. Innovation provides an entirely new way of doing something, or a completely new thing to do, which was not possible before. (Norman, 2003).
We can divide the cases under analysis into two categories: improvement and innovation.
Spotify has explored music streaming at the highest level. Spotify’s capabilities have grown and continue to grow over the past few years. It is now the leading music service used on the Internet. Sharing music on social networks or by email as a free component without a premium account. Features a unique search engine. Used correctly, this search allows you to limit by year, artist, and album. Consult the history and recover deleted playlists are other features of the application.
The premium system is another prominent factor in the application. Spotify allows access to thousands of songs for only 99 cents in the first 3 months and € 6.99. Thus, it will enable us to remove advertisements in the app, improving the audio quality and the possibility of listening to playlists offline.
In the case of Thermomix, innovation fits like a glove in all kitchen fans' hands and cultivate the taste of the less enthusiastic. It invites the new tech generations to join the older ones in the kitchen. According to the brand’s website, this small robot can replace several cabinets, pots, pans, kettles. Capable of controlling time, heating, baking, sautéing, temperature control, steam cooking, mixing and emulsifying, chopping, grinding, and even kneading.
Currently, we don’t live without these friends. As Norman states:
The behavioral design begins with understanding the user’s needs (…). The assigned team produces quick, rapid prototypes to test prospective users (…) final testing is necessary only to catch minor mistakes in implementation. This iterative design process is the heart of effective, user-centered design. (Norman, 2003)
Last but not least.
Symbolic Dimension: Reflective Design
Norman considers “reflexive design” as the last and most exhaustive level of the three dimensions. This level is strongly influenced by the culture, fashions, contextual message. Nowadays, having a Thermomix is a target of refinement, organization, and power to be free and socially position the user.
Whether we wish to admit it or not, we worry about the image we present to others. (Norman, 2003)
It is true that in Portugal, Thermomix is well above the national minimum wage. On the other hand, Spotify (premium mode) meets the needs of young audiences. Two different devices, associated with different generations. However, it does not invalidate the feeling of satisfaction in having either.
Prestige, perceived rarity, and exclusiveness work at the reflective level. (Norman, 2003).
The prestigious brands carry a premise of quality associated with the product that can influence consumers between two competing brands.
Through the three phases presented by Norman, it is possible to verify and understand the relationship between designer and user. The aesthetic dimension works in conjunction with the functional aspect.
If you want a golden rule that will fit everybody, have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. (Norman, 2003).
In the final part of his book “Emotional Design,” Norman concludes that we are all designers.
Nothing but true. We build our world, our life, according to the situations we overcome, the places we visit, the people we meet, the way we adapt to the environment in which we live. It is a link between the past, present, and future. To a large extent, our happiness depends on the objects with which we interact daily. A simple ATM can change our day. It is a process that involves several algorithms to be able to make a cash-out. The dynamics of that process must be natural. The same happens with the machines that validate the ticket in the metro station. The complication of this process may affect our well-being at that time. Validation, errors, delay in the process, difficulty in understanding the dynamics can control our emotions.
The analyzed devices came to modify the current technological world. The possibility of downloading a playlist to listen in our way home at subway (Spotify), while preparing breakfast without significant difficulties (Thermomix) streamlines the process. It makes people more profitable, reducing the meal’s waiting time and the monotony of a trip. By not being able to control how each individual receives the message and how it is interpreted by him, the designer can monitor the process of creating the word — The HCI interaction.
The designer must study his target audience to understand his needs. We are all designers, it is with this ideology and enrichment that I finish this analysis.
We are in a new social, political, economic, and above all technological age. The progress is continuous, and its impact on our lives has everything to be as positive as possible in our daily lives.
Thank you for reading. If you like it let me know 🖤
Here. Take this potato as gratitude.
Bibliographic references
- Norman, D. A. (2003). Designers and Users: two perspectives on emotion and design.
- Norman, Donald A. Emotional Design. Why we love (or hate) everyday things.
General Terms
Emotion, user, aesthetics, software, Spotify, Bimby, Thermomix, Ergonomic, interaction, paradigms, user experience, multimedia, design, computer system, object, user interface.