A list of games for bored (and curious) designers
Being part of the design industry since 2011 (gosh, I feel old), I experienced many empty moments when my mind was too tired to start a new task, reading a book, or simply have a chat with someone. What I really needed was something casual to entertain me and refill my fun tank. During the years and exploring the internet, I collected all the websites offering games and fun experiences for UX and UI Designers: now it is time to share!
1. Can’t Unsee
If you’re passionate about details, Can’t Unsee is going to be your favorite time killer. You need to choose between two interfaces that look pretty similar but with tiny (and sometimes significant) differences between them. Can you spot the pixel-perfect design?
Play Can’t Unsee: https://cantunsee.space/

2. Color
Color is going how precise your eyes are in recognizing colors. You’re going to play with hues, saturations, complementary colors, analogous ones, as well as triadic and tetradic colors. Quite a relaxing color game!
Play Color: https://color.method.ac/

3. Designercize
Designercize has been my best friend for college assignments. It is a random generator for design challenges, which are crazy and can really boost your creative thinking. You can set the difficulty level between easy, medium, and hard (what changes are the size of the flow) and how much time you should focus on the process. I know some companies also use Designercize for whiteboard challenges during interviews, so it could be a good shot if you’re looking for a new job!
Play Designercize: https://designercize.com/

4. Figma Ninja
Figma Ninja will help you familiarize yourself with Figma itself and its shortcuts through an engaging game based on speed and accuracy. If you’re new to the software and want to improve your Figma skill while having fun, this is the game for you.
Play Figma Ninja: https://www.figma.com/community/file/769694576496801916

5. Flexbox Froggy
Flexbox Froggy was suggested by several Front End Devs friends when I asked for something quick and friendly to refresh my CSS knowledge. There are 24 different levels you can test your CSS skills against, so plenty of challenges for all levels. As a plus, it could remind you of Frogger (which I loved when I was a kid).
Play Flexbox Froggy: https://flexboxfroggy.com/

6. Hex Invaders
All your friends think you knowing Hex color codes by heart is weird? Well, you can finally show them why it is definitely not challenging them to play Hex Invaders! Your unique purpose is to destroy the army of aliens who come to conquer our planet…punching them hard with color rockets. A revisited twist of a classic of video games.
Play Hex Invaders: http://www.hexinvaders.com/

7. It’s Centred That
A simple, direct, and not-so-easy-at-all game about how trained your eyes are to spot uncentered elements. You will have to decide if the dot is centered in the different shapes presented. Sometimes it is just a matter of pixels, so…be prepared to lose!
Play It’s Centred That: https://www.supremo.co.uk/designers-eye/?playagain

8. Kern Type
Kern Type is a relaxing, slow s-pacing game (pun intended). Move letters around to reach the perfect spacing setup and score high. No timers involved!
Play Kern Type: https://type.method.ac/

9. Pixactly
How many times did you draw a box of the exact same size you needed, virtually freehand, and thought it to be a perfect moment? Now you can put this very peculiar skill to the test playing Pixactly. Here you need to draw a box that matches the dimensions given and receive a score based on how close you are. The lower the score, the better you did. Sounds easy, but it is definitely not, especially after some levels under your belt.
Play Pixactly: https://www.pixact.ly/

10. Shape Type
When I was a young and free graphic designer, I struggled with the pencil tool and shape-making. I would have appreciated something like Shape Type to show how vectors work in a funny, accessible way. If you’re new to this domain, I warmly suggest giving it a try!
Play Shape Type: https://shape.method.ac/

11. Shot the Serif
You need to be fast and shoot the right target: this is Shot the Serif in brief. You can choose your level of difficulty and decide to play from mobile or web. I challenged some fellow designer friends, and it was pretty funny (unfortunately, I didn’t win, though!).
Play Shot the Serif: https://www.tothepoint.co.uk/us/fun/i-shot-the-serif/

12. The Bézier Game
Another game to help you improve (or build up) your skills with the pen tool. You can go through a very friendly and chill tutorial or skip it and jump right into the challenge. You will have to complete different shapes in a given amount of nodes…sounds easy, right?
Play The Bézier Game: https://bezier.method.ac/

13. The Font Game
You will get 30 cards and switches to choose from, meaning sometimes you could go with more of a choice if it fits the given font. Straightforward yet exciting game based on your knowledge of different fonts.
Play The Font Game: https://ilovetypography.com/2020/05/31/the-font-game

14. The Boolean Game
One of my favorites so far! This game was made for you if you’re into using shapes to create intelligent and beautiful graphics and icons. In The Boolean Game, you can choose between different modalities (Union, Subtract, Intersect, and Difference) and play to create different types of shapes. At each step, the game gets a bit more challenging, but the pace is excellent, and it does not make you sweat too much.
Play The Boolean Game: https://boolean.method.ac/

15. Typewar
Quick-paced game to test your font recollection: you need to choose between two options, gaining points for each correct answer you score. There’s also a level progression and a streak counter to check how precise you are in your guesses. The game itself could be a little bit repetitive, especially for the first few levels, but it’s an excellent way to become familiar with some of the fonts most used.
Play Typewar: https://typewar.com/

16. User Inyerface
You read right; no typo here. This might be the best and worst game of the entire list at the same time. This was the most frustrating experience I had as a user…for sure. I will not spoil the setting, so no more details about User Interface. Disclaimer: nobody from my team or friends managed to complete this crazy game, so please share your tips if you can!
Play User Inyerface: https://userinyerface.com/

I really hope you’re going to try some of those games. Please feel free to share your scores, and…enjoy!