Three topics I often discuss with mentees

Leonardo Mattei
UX Collective
Published in
9 min readMay 17, 2021


I’ve been a mentor since 2018 on UXPA, Revive, and ADPList. Thanks to these amazing communities I’ve been lucky enough to meet and exchange ideas with a lot of people. The best thing is when someone you met sends you a message thanking you because they found a job, they improved their portfolio, or because after a conversation with you they feel unblocked and empowered. Every time this happens, a big smile appears on my face. I’ve had incredible mentors in my life that constantly help me with everything, and I know how valuable having these conversations is, so I get proud when I…



Senior Product Designer at  Apple and Jazz addict based in London. Find me @matteileo. Views, stories, and opinions are my own.