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Diversity in design: Inclusion alone won’t fix a broken system
Diversity in design: Inclusion alone won’t fix a broken system
The other day I attended an information session for a new initiative centered around increasing diversity in design. It was created and…
Ida Persson
Oct 27, 2021
An ode to oddly satisfying product experiences
An ode to oddly satisfying product experiences
You can tap into my neurology any time.
Pete Sena
Oct 13, 2021
From Bézier curves to balance sheets: navigating the design continuum
From Bézier curves to balance sheets: navigating the design continuum
A brief review of a designer’s growth towards the business end of the boardroom table, and how to not judge a stakeholder by their shoes.
T. Robert Roeth
Oct 14, 2021
Contemporary design has lost its soul
Contemporary design has lost its soul
As technology and efficiency improve, our products have become less beautiful and unique
Michael F. Buckley
Sep 20, 2021
Gill Sans: the sacred and the profane
Gill Sans: the sacred and the profane
Bhakti as typography
Neel Dozome
Sep 18, 2021
Layout in ancient writing: UX inspiration from history
Layout in ancient writing: UX inspiration from history
Studying for any job includes studying the history of that job. I think that the history of UX starts not from the creation of the phrase…
Olesia Vdovenko
Sep 19, 2021
What can celebrity overexposure teach us about managing a redesign?
What can celebrity overexposure teach us about managing a redesign?
Overexposure is not just for celebrities! It can derail your redesign, too.
Shamsi Brinn
Sep 15, 2021
Beyond delight; the memorable experience framework
Beyond delight; the memorable experience framework
Enabling design & development teams to create deeply engaging experiences in product.
Audree Lapierre
Sep 14, 2021
Why minimalism never goes out of style
Why minimalism never goes out of style
….and what we can expect for the next decade in design.
Kelsey O'Connor
Sep 13, 2021
What happened to the magic?
What happened to the magic?
Design is finally taken seriously. We should celebrate that but have we lost something along the way?
Sam Judge
Sep 12, 2021
Why Research?
Why Research?
No, honestly, have you ever tried to answer this question?
Ernesto Peña (he/him)
Sep 8, 2021
Design system: LEGO kits syndrome
Design system: LEGO kits syndrome
Balancing consistency and contribution should be the primary concern of design systems.
Budi Tanrim
Sep 7, 2021
Image descriptions: a human technique that robots can’t grasp
Image descriptions: a human technique that robots can’t grasp
The most famous of all Digital Accessibility Guidelines is Alt-text ( also known as alternative text, text alternative or image…
Ronise Nepomuceno
Jul 11, 2021
Daring to design with vulnerability
Daring to design with vulnerability
Invite the rest of your team to see past the tip of the iceberg
Aletheia Delivre
Sep 5, 2021
Less doesn’t have to be more. It can just be less.
Less doesn’t have to be more. It can just be less.
So many of us espouse slogans like “less is more” yet practice the opposite. Or, more commonly, we apply them incorrectly. For instance…
Christopher Butler
Sep 4, 2021
Tokyo 1964: The Olympic benchmark
Tokyo 1964: The Olympic benchmark
Japan House’s new exhibition explores the design of, and impact of these Games.
Craig Berry
Sep 2, 2021
The love/obligation dilemma in companies
The love/obligation dilemma in companies
Have you ever felt that you start a new position in a dream company, and for some reason, that thing you love to do now feels like a heavy…
Kike Peña
Sep 1, 2021
A comprehensive list of human-computer interactions
A comprehensive list of human-computer interactions
A review of the opportunities with humans, computers, and software.
Chris R Becker
Aug 31, 2021
The UX of new parenthood: Why we’ve got to conceive a better way
The UX of new parenthood: Why we’ve got to conceive a better way
No time for baby steps.
Pete Sena
Aug 31, 2021
Can design change the world?
Can design change the world?
UX and Design place people at the center of our practice, but that doesn’t mean we are always looking for people’s best interests. How do…
Oscar von Hauske
Aug 27, 2021
Creating a positive culture around accessibility
Creating a positive culture around accessibility
Everyone wins when we build inclusive digital experiences. Here’s why we should be excited about (and not dread) accessibility.
Corey Roth
Aug 27, 2021
Stop asking Linkedin for feedback on your UI design
Stop asking Linkedin for feedback on your UI design
Asking for feedback is more than just letting people pick A or B.
Nick Groeneveld
Aug 25, 2021
How to avoid Twitter’s latest accessibility mistakes
How to avoid Twitter’s latest accessibility mistakes
Good accessibility programs include things that go above and beyond just compliance with the WCAG guidelines
Sheri Byrne-Haber, CPACC
Aug 20, 2021
How to build a design system if you’re the only designer in a startup
How to build a design system if you’re the only designer in a startup
It’s always hard to be the only person in a company who is responsible for product design. Your day can be insanely busy because you deal…
Taras Savytskyi
Aug 22, 2021
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