Useless Linkedin posts, the curse of the Metaverse, UI shaper tool

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

Fabricio Teixeira
UX Collective
Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2021


“Have you seen them? There’s currently a trend on LinkedIn where aspiring UI and UX designers share two variations of a design they’re working on. They ask questions like which of the designs is more accurate or which one is ‘better’. And with excellent results. Some of these posts have hundreds or even thousands of replies. The number of impressions is much higher.”

Asking for feedback is more than just letting people pick A or B
By Nick Groeneveld

Why design polls on social media are not working
By Ian Batterbee

The UX Collective is an independent ad-free design publication that elevates unheard design voices, reaching over 400k+ designers every week. Curated by Fabricio Teixeira and Caio Braga.

Editors’ picks

A little demonstration of how most people experience the web today.

Food for thought

  • The cognitive costs of bad UX
    “Bad UX is pervasive. It’s caused by 1) lack of care and 2) bad incentives. In the case of online publications, at least we readers have an easy fix.”
  • Design systems as knowledge graphs
    “Imagine what design system documentation might look like if we approached the system as a knowledge graph rather than a product or tool.”
  • Creating a positive culture around accessibility
    “Despite the struggles many faced in public spaces, it took the Capitol Crawl — wheelchair activists climbing the steps to express their frustration — to get this legislation passed. And finally, the ADA took longer-overdue steps to rectify this injustice.” (by Corey Roth)

Tools and resources

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