A UX designer in Ukraine

Olesia Vdovenko
UX Collective
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2022


It is hard to describe how I’m feeling today. I’m a millennial UX designer, who spends most of my time around a computer and now I’m in the middle of the war. My country is in the middle of the war with the largest country in the world…Why? What is the point of it? When people die there is no good answer to these questions.

What is my experience? It’s very scary! How someone like me Ux designer who except for travels (for the museums may I add) spends all her time at the computer at home, should be ready for war. But to be fair no one is prepared. All that we know is that we earned our freedom countless times and we will do it again.

My days now are just endless fear. I live near Kyiv, which means I get all the scares but no capital city benefit. We don’t even have a siren that tells Kyiv when you should seek safety, so we just guess based on how loud the explosion noise is. And yeah no good shelters nearby. My family is located in Chernihiv which is even worse. I’m writing this hoping we’ll not lose internet and secular connection. Since then I’m not gonna know what to do next and what is happening around me. And that is how it ends I guess, with uncertainty for me. Scared for me, scared for my family and my friends all because someone hates our independence so much.

The other part of this story is amazing to thrive for freedom. Ukrainian is extremely passionate or freedom. I heard Stephen Colbert asking an expert about Ukraine and if we had a strong identity, “Is it the same as for Americans?” he asked. Well, I think you can argue it’s stronger…don’t fight me okay…it’s just because through history we needed to defend ourselves as Ukrainians, and we did this a lot. I’m not a history nerd ( looking at my other articles suspicious)…I’m really not, so I can’t tell you all the history, but I can give some bits. Well Ukraine is one of the pioneers of creating a constitution — Pylyp Orlyk Constitution(1710), isn’t it interesting. Basically, our history is Ukrainians just wanting to be Ukrainians and fighting for that all the time. Fighting to save our territories, our history, our culture, our lives. Ukrainian history is very interesting. I think a lot of people would enjoy reading about it more.

To know what mentality Ukrainians have, you need to know what happened when we got cheated by our parliament. So to tell a long story short Viktor Yanukovych who tried to limit our freedom was selected as the new president and the response

Pomarancheva(orange) revolution, and it worked, another president was selected. Then Viktor Yanukovych was selected after that again, the first reaction was okay before he started to limit our rights.

Yep Euromaidan, this time, he had to run from the country.

All of this to say, you might not know Ukraine but you’ll be surprised how passionate we are about our freedom. So I’m sure we always gonna be free.
Supporting Ukraine=supporting freedom.

