UX Tools to Improve Your Workflow
Designers have their own favorite tools for wireframing and prototyping, for doing user research and for organizing information in your projects. But there are a number of less noticeable tools and plugins that we use everyday that can give us a boost in productivity and collaboration — as well as resource libraries that can come in handy when you’re starting a new project.
Here is a list of some of these tools that we’ve recently found online. Hope you enjoy!
Productivity & Collaboration
Paste App: smarter clipboard history
x.AI — A Personal Assistant that Schedules Meetings for You
UseKanban: the agile project management tool
Notion: a unified workspace for modern teams
Small Victories: turn a Dropbox folder into a website
Gemini 2: the intelligent duplicate file finder
States.design : layer comps for Sketch
Resource Cards: fonts, icons, sketch resources
Boords: storyboarding made simple
ProtoPie: code-free prototyping tool for smart devices
Layer: messaging design kit for Sketch
The New UXPin is Here
BetterDesign: don’t assume, test — user testing tool
Library: new app from InVision
Adobe Spark: communicate with impact
Type Anything: create great font combinations
Google Fonts (redesigned)
Type Network
Coding & Tech
Swift Playgrounds: learn serious code on your iPad
Machine Learning for Designers (Free E-Book)
AnyPixel.js: Google’s take on a library for interactive displays
Password-Free Signup For Your Product
“Can I Use?” Bot
Exporting from After Effects to iOS
References & Libraries
Great Apps Timeline: see how the look of some of the great apps changed over time
Bot Explorer — A bot to search and explore bots for messenger, slack, sms, kik and telegram
The World’s Most Powerful 3D Image Library
Ok Google: a list of voice commands available on Google products
Ecomm.design: commerce design and tech inspiration
Apple Design Awards:
Form Design Inspiration
NYC Digital Playbook
UI Inspiration Gallery
Creating Patterns in Sketch
Studio — Podcast for Creative Professionals