What creating a simple font taught me about font design

I never appreciated font designers until I tried it myself

Christian Behler
UX Collective
Published in
6 min readOct 4, 2021


An image of a Lorem Ipsum text in a good looking font on the left and my slightly less good looking self-designed font on the right.
A professional font on the left vs my very simple self-designed font on the right. Image by author.

From early cave painting and hieroglyphs to caligraphers and computer fonts, writing has been one of the most impactful human inventions. Whether you are studying for an exam, reading the news, or doom scrolling through social media, everywhere you look and everywhere you…



M. Sc. Computer Science and Physics, Indie Game/Software/Web Developer, Writer, 3D Artist, and too many other interests. https://pingpoli.medium.com/membership