What I learned from a 30+ year old video game console

Noor Ali-Hasan
UX Collective
Published in
8 min readAug 17, 2020


A 1980s video game console that resembles a giant keyboard with a video game cartridge inserted into it.
My Sakhr video game console. Photo by author.

II have a clear memory of that summer evening in late 1980s Kuwait when I accompanied my dad as we shopped for a “computer” for me. We were in an electronics store (probably in Salmiya) that very much resembled a RadioShack. While my dad was super smart, he never got into tech and it seemed to always overwhelm him. I remember him listening intently to the sales rep as he showed him all the…



I’m a UX research lead at Google, where I help teams design and build desirable and easy to use products. Outside of work, I love art, Peloton, and Lego.