Why Yin Yang is one of the most important designs in the world

A design should tell a story so that users can easily connect to what it represents. People today easily overlook the true meaning of a logo.
I firmly believe that there is no better way to represent harmony, a balance between good and bad than Yin-Yang.
Originated from the 3rd century BCE or even earlier, its a fundamental concept in Chinese philosophy.

The black area represents the bad.
The white area represents the good.
The black dot in the white area represents the bad in the good.
The white dot in the white area represents the good in the bad.
All of this together can represent many things and we can learn a lot from this.
They are two sides of the same coin and they shouldn’t be looked at as two different things.

In many cultures, it’s taught to destroy the evil and cultivate the light. They fail to understand that both are part of the same system and removing one is just as good as removing the whole system.
They compliment and work together to complete each other in order to keep the balance in the universe.

For every reaction, there is an equal an opposite reaction. — Newton’s Third Law
Good and bad alone doesn’t do anything. It’s how they interact with each other that matters.
Our whole world is made of differences and what makes us different, makes us beautiful. Sound waves have high frequencies and low frequencies. The change between the two is what causes an experience, a reality.
Nothing is created perfect.
Every good has evil and every evil has good. Every war won was because of the countless lives that were lost in the process, for the greater good.
Everything contains the seed of the opposite. Darth Vader has the seed of goodness and Luke has the potential to follow his father to the dark side.
Yin is the light and Yand the dark.

All light has darkness and all darkness has light. Without each other, they cannot co-exist. This is why we’ll never have “World Peace” or “World Chaos”.
We need to learn from both the good and the bad. Rains can be pleasant to watch and experience but also be dangerous. A left has a right. If it doesn’t, then why is it called “left”?
Don’t try to see Yin and Yang as a duality. The philosophy behind this is not to see things as good or bad. What is good and bad anyway? This was all created by us. “Positives” can be found in “Negatives” and vice-versa. Nothing is ever good or evil.
Take the case of a kitchen knife. What you use it for matters. It’s all about the perspective.
Everything has an opposite. Like matter has an anti-matter and male has female. It has an opposite for a reason, to fulfill a purpose. Failure is not the opposite of success. Its just a part of it like bad is a part of the good.

Differences and change are natural. Change is always one part of the natural law. Without a light, there can be no shadow. Yin becomes Yang and Yang becomes Ying. Night becomes day as day becomes night. The two opposites co-exist no matter how different they are.
A relationship becomes successful only when the couples respect each other’s differences.
A lion preying on a weaker animal. What came to your mind first? Did you feel sorry for the prey or were you okay with the fact that this is how nature works as the lion also needs food in order to survive.
We are part of a greater wisdom; a higher order. Knowing and accepting the fact they everything works in cycles will only make you more optimistic.

Overthinking and overanalyzing will only pull us away from the flow of the universe. Instead of controlling the very order of the universe, try to give in and let it control you. Go with the rhythm. Live it. Embrace it.