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Yes, I would buy a Jaguar Type 00

Rumours about the death of design are greatly exaggerated

Neel Dozome
UX Collective
A screenshot from a Simpsons episode that shows Homer Simpson pointing at a drawing of car that he has made (it looks like its been drawn by a child)
Homer Simpson’s car concept sketch from “Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?” © Fox

“It’s hot pink,” I was told.

“Like a Barbie car?” I asked incredulously.

“Yes! Like a Barbie car,” came the reply.

It is rare that anything cool happens to me or anyone I know but I happened to be having dinner with a design-industry journalist (not exactly a car person) freshly returned from a super secret Jaguar press conference. Nobody was allowed to take pictures and it was all very hush-hush and over-the-top. According to my highly-placed “source” (a cousin who had come over to eat some biryani I had cooked), the nervousness, hyper-enthusiasm and bizarreness around the prototype launch reminded them of the disastrous Simpsons episode where Homer designs a car.

The ridiculous lime-green car that Homer Simpson designed in the episode “O Brother! Where art Thou!”
Homer’s car concept ©Fox

The only thing that this person remembered as a concrete detail about the prototype (apart from the pink colour) were some aromatic features to enhance the cabin experience. The journalists in attendance all wondered who the target market was given that this car was expected to retail in excess of $100,000. It felt like Jaguar’s ideal customer was some rich young…

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