7 tips for coming up with a new product idea
Find the right problem to solve.
“Seriously, if you are thinking of starting a company or creating a new product, just talk to around 10 strangers who have the problem you want to solve. If you don’t know how to find those 10 strangers, you shouldn’t be starting a company or creating a new product.” — Erika Hall.
Disclaimer: I am not an expert in this field; I am just sharing my insight which I learned through my mistakes.
№1. Start with a problem, rather than a solution
Instead of taking an Uber app and clone with new UI, research on what problems they are solving to be successful.
A lot of times we fall into the trap of solution lovers. Even sometimes people come up with ideas like, what if we can make an app like “Uber for designer’s.” Please don’t start your concept from the app already exist. Start from the real problem.
№2. UI redesigns are cheap
“UI redesigns are cheap. UI redesigns are easy. UI redesigns are common”
Always start with a value you are providing to your customer. Don’t start with cool UI. A recent conversation with one client,
Client: “Hey, Johny I got an impressive idea. No one ever did this and it is going to change the entire world.”
Me: What is that?
Client: A website with a collection of the latest design tools.
Me: 🤪 But there are 10000000+ sites already exist
Client: Ours will have cool UI
Me: 👋🏻
№3. Survey Sucks
“Talking to 10 people will also tell you way more about the problem than running a survey. People often run surveys simply in order to preserve their illusion of being right about things”. — Erika Hall
Oftentimes people fill the survey with an ideal answer than a genuine response. Sometimes users can’t even explain their problem, because they don’t realize it.
Survey Question: Do you think it is hard to wake up early?
Participant: Yes.
The above research doesn’t give us any new insight. Instead, talk to the participants and do field research to comprehend the real problem.
№4. Solve complex problems
Plenty of businesses already solving problems for consumers and rich people. Challenge yourself to try solving service design problems which help poor people.
For example, everyone knows there is a lack of resource to understand politics, poor health care system. Try solving this type of bigger level service design problem instead of redesign some health care website.
№5. Adopt a problem you love to solve
Only consider a problem you can, and you love to solve.
If you don’t choose the problem you personally love to solve, it will make you tiring and lose your confidence in a few months.

№6. Sometimes, it’s okay if others are already doing it

Every bird can fly. But eagles can reach the peak.
If many companies are already working on a related problem means it is a real problem. There are plenty of ways you can solve the same problem with your unique twist.
№. 7. Do something good for the world
I mean, don’t make a product which steals users data and sell that with advertisers🤭. Sorry!
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