Ageism, Netflix’s mistake, board game UX, conditional logic in Figma

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

Fabricio Teixeira
UX Collective

“As a 70-year-old who has spent well over 30 years teaching Digital Media, speaking at conferences around the world, and conducting seminars to audiences and classes composed solely of that younger generation, I have been subjected to that last acceptable practice.”

Ageism: the last acceptable prejudice
By Tom Green

Editor picks

Make me think

  • Tiktok’s enshittification
    “Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die.”
  • Two ways to think about decline
    “The end of the heroic age of the tech giants does not imply that tech giants are in decline, but confusing the two is natural. Observers and analysts usually talk that way about companies, especially tech companies and the platforms they enable: they grow, mature, then decline (in relevance if not in revenue).”
  • AI is a feature, not a product
    “There’s been no lightning-bolt iPhone moment for AI yet. For now, AI will continue to metastasize into the nooks and crannies of the products we’re already familiar with.”

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