Replacing the Double Diamond, Figma videos, tangible UI [+special survey]

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

Fabricio Teixeira
UX Collective
Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2022


“Here’s the truth of the matter, from somebody who has been doing Design for well over 25 years: Design is not a Process, it’s an Odyssey. It is not a rigid structure with steps to follow, but a path you discover along the way with dangers, villains, and wisdom to be gained, and you often wind up right back where you started. Allow me to explain.”

Replacing the Double Diamond
By Ryan Ford

The UX Collective is an independent design publication that elevates unheard design voices, reaching over 500k+ designers every week.

Editor picks

Take the survey: how are you documenting your work?
As design system documentation continues to rapidly mature, How We Document, brought to you by this week’s sponsor zeroheight, is an opportunity for us to stop, reflect and figure out the biggest challenges facing us in documenting and growing our design systems. The goal is to capture the current state of design system documentation and we’d love your help.


  • Head of Design (UI/UX) @ Provenance
    The rapid decline in organized religion, coupled with an increasing reliance on technology to mediate and validate experience, has created a crisis in meaning: we’ve thrown out the guide book, but don’t know where to go. Enter Provenance, born to create opportunities for making meaning in our modern world.

Submit a job opening or your portfolio

Make me think

  • The web’s next transition
    “The web is made up of technologies that got their start over 25 years ago. Since then, the web evolved into a ubiquitous application platform. As the web has evolved, so too has the architecture for the development of these applications.”
  • How to work with design constraints
    “An old proverb says, ‘When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.’ Many designers see constraints as lemons; the good ones make lemonade from constraints. Apple’s new Dynamic Island on the iPhone is a good example.”

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