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Test smart: how to deal with biases around testing?
Test smart: how to deal with biases around testing?
It is time to be more vocal about the profession’s pain points and shed light on the testing craft.
Julia Kocbek
Mar 20
Five Things Vibe Coders Should Know (From A Software Engineer)
Five Things Vibe Coders Should Know (From A Software Engineer)
How to keep your vibe coded app secure and your users safe.
Michael J. Fordham
Mar 20
UX Collective
We believe designers are thinkers as much as they are makers.
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Editor Picks
Minimum Viable Whatever
Minimum Viable Whatever
MVP misconceptions: Why it’s so much more than just a quick release and how to avoid the poop trap
Henrik Ståhl
Mar 9
The hype and risks of vibe coding
The hype and risks of vibe coding
and why designers should not head down this path.
Darren Yeo
Mar 9
Office politics: the skill they never taught us
Office politics: the skill they never taught us
Last week, during a customer workshop, one recurring issue kept surfacing: office politics. Why and can we avoid it?
Pascal Potvin
Mar 5
Everything I know about UX I learned from my parents
Everything I know about UX I learned from my parents
Craft and problem solving goes much deeper than the solutions we build; here’s my story.
Patrick Neeman
Mar 4
The secret of good metaphors
The secret of good metaphors
How do metaphors and analogies work? What makes a good metaphor?
Louis Charron
Mar 3
A crisis of meaning in UX Design
A crisis of meaning in UX Design
Does UX design work feel meaningless lately? You’re not alone.
James Harrison
Mar 2
Latest & Greatest
Web accessibility requirements in the EU
Web accessibility requirements in the EU
In effect by mid-2025
Marcus Fleckner
Mar 20
And the Oscar goes to… Blender
And the Oscar goes to… Blender
How open-source community champion Gints Zilbalodis out-rendered Big Animation
Neel Dozome
Mar 20
Should you copy a competitor?
Should you copy a competitor?
Here’s when it works (and when it doesn’t)
Rosie Hoggmascall
Mar 20
A bright future for strategic thinkers
A bright future for strategic thinkers
The ability to identify and frame problems is your most valuable asset.
Ed Orozco
Mar 19
How to grow as a designer even when you’re overwhelmed with work
How to grow as a designer even when you’re overwhelmed with work
Experimentation is a critical part of growing as a designer
Kai Wong
Mar 18
Don’t become the butthead
Don’t become the butthead
Let’s talk about working with difficult people, or as I like to call them, “big ‘ol buttheads” (or “B’OBs,” TM pending). We’re surrounded…
Trip Carroll
Mar 17
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